NUR1202 Professional Identity Semester 2, 2018 Supplementary Task

NUR1202 Professional Identity Semester 2, 2018
Supplementary Task
Guidelines for assessment.
1. This assessment is to be submitted via the study Desk into the Submission portal titled: Supplementary Assessment by midnight on 10 December 2018.
2. According to USQ policy, there are no extensions available for this submission.
3. Use Times New Roman Font size 12, double line spacing.
4. Reference using APA Referencing Style for ALL IDEAS AND CONCEPTS you have
used. Limit the use of direct quotes, and if you do use direct quote this must be cited as such and be compliant with the requirements of APA style.
5. Word counts include in-text referencing.
6. Use the Marking Criteria for your assessment to guide you.
7. Submit ONE document which includes the written responses to each section as an essay.
Do not include the marking criteria as part of your submission.
Assessment Task
Assessment description: You are to write an essay, including an introduction and conclusion, using the sections below as a guide with a word count of 1,250 words (+/- 10%).
The reference list is not included, however in-text citations are included in the word count. The aim of this assessment, is to consider the following questions and discuss and analyse the following key concepts:
John is a 69 year old gentleman of Italian heritage, who has come into hospital for a below knee amputation due to complications from his Type 2 Diabetes (18 years post diagnosis). He is retired and lives with his wife of 40 years and his daughter, son in law and their three young children in a three bedroom house in the outer suburbs of Melbourne. He has failing eyesight and has not had a job for the past 15 years due to his health problems. He is currently taking the medication to help manage his blood sugar (Metformin), however his blood sugars continue to be very high. John does not like taking his medication as he finds it expensive and does not believe it helps him maintain his blood sugars within a healthy range. He believes there is nothing he can do to manage his blood sugar levels and that the amputation was a natural progression of the disease state. He infrequently takes his blood sugars, and does not see the point in attending frequent doctor appointments again due to the cost.
John’s son in law is the only one who brings an income into his household, and this must support John, John’s wife, his daughter and their children. With limited resources, it is important that John keeps his medical bills as low as possible. The family does enjoy spending time together and enjoy celebrating and connecting over meals. His son-in-law usually joins John in an evening after the family meal to drink wine and smoke cigars. Both men find this an important time to connect and relax after a long day. John socialises very infrequently with anyone else outside of his family, as his failing health and eyesight prevents him from being able to drive anymore.
NUR1202 Professional Identity Semester 2, 2018
Assessment Description- the aim of this assessment is to utilise the provided case study to answer Section A and Section B.
Section A explores the dimensions of patient centred care and Section B is a comparative discussion about biomedical and social model of care in relation to the case study supported by scholarly references.
Introduction: (125 words)
Section A: (500 words)
Referring to the case study, identify the seven dimensions of patient centred care and how you could utilise the dimension/s to provide holistic, therapeutic care to John. Section B: (500 words)
Compare and contrast to the biomedical model of health and explain how John’s psychosocial health could benefit applying a social model of health care.
Conclusion: (125 words)


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