Literature Review Assignment Help

BMA314: Organisational Change & Development- Literature Review Assignment Help

Internal Code: MAHOZ22
Literature Review Assignment Help:
The task is to critically analyse ONE (1) quality academic journal article on change management with a particular emphasis on values and assumptions that underpin the approach of the article. It is important that the article is clearly within the scope of the Unit.
A list of Academic Journals from which you can source articles is shown on the next page. The articles should be published between 2009 and 2016 inclusive. You are not able to use an article posted in MyLO. If you wish to use an article from a different journal or a different date, please contact Dr Simon Fishwick, Unit Coordinator.
Your review will have three sections (see Rubric on pp.3-4 for detail on expectations):A. The first section (approximately 250 words) should provide a brief rationale of why you chose the article; the objectives that the author(s) sought to achieve, the values and assumptions’ that underpin the article, an overview of the article’s content: context, the ideas or research reported and the authors’ key conclusions;B. The second section (approximately 500 words) should identify the strengths and weaknesses of the authors’ research or arguments. Some suggested areas this section could cover are:
1. What is the research question(s) and does this follow logically from the literature? What are the author(s) assumptions about change2. What is the methodology employed and does this suit the research question?3. Who are the participants and does the choice of participants fulfill the requirements of the research question?4. How is data collected and does this suit the research question? How the data is analysed/interpreted and is this logical?5. What are the overall strengths and weaknesses of the research?
C. The third section (approximately 250 words) should evaluate the article’s contribution to change theory and practice. This includes some qualitative comment on the article’s impact (citations).
To support your analysis, you are to use a minimum of four (4) academic references (not including the article you are reviewing or the textbook). Attached is a document providing guidance on Journals that include articles suitable for this assignment and some points to indicate what constitutes an acceptable academic article.
One of the key reasons for this assessment early in the unit programme is for you to demonstrate your ability to research and evaluate appropriate academic material in the field of change management and be able to link academic material to practical contexts. Here is a list of 28 of Academic Journals from which to source articles: Academy of Management Executive Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management Review Administration and Society Administrative Science Quarterly Annual Review of Psychology Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources Australian Journal of Management Australian Journal of Psychology Australian Psychologist British Journal of Management Group and Organization Management Human Resoure Management Journal International Journal of Strategic Change Management Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Journal of Business Ethics Journal of Change Management Journal of Leadership and Organizational Change Studies Journal of Management Journal of Management and Organization Journal of Management Development Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change Journal of Organizational Behaviour Journal of Organizational Change Management Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change Leadership and Organization Development Journal Organization Development JournalIt is a requirement that the article you choose is of sufficient scope and quality to meet the criteria for this assessment. If you are unsure of your choice of article(s), please send the Unit Coordinator e a copy (or URL) by 5pm, Friday 9 th March, and a brief response on the article’s fit to the assessment criteria will be provided.


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