BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing Process

BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and
Management BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing Process
Assessment plan
The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing process. You are required to complete all tasks to demonstrate competency in this unit.
This unit is assessed through the following:
Assessment Requirements Assessment Overview Due date
1. Written questions
Students must correctly answer all questions.
2. Manage marketing performance and staff performance project
Students must prepare for and conduct a meeting with marketing staff to communicate the company’s strategic marketing opportunities and marketing strategies, as well as develop a communication plan.
3. Evaluate marketing performance project
Students must report on marketing performance.
All assessments will ensure that the principles of assessment and rules of evidence are adhered to. The principles of assessment are that assessment must be valid, fair, reliable and consistent. The rules of evidence state that evidence must be sufficient, valid, current and authentic.
If reassessment is required, you will be given the chance to resubmit the assessment task. You will have up to three opportunities to resubmit each assessment task. If, after the third attempt, the assessment is still not satisfactory your trainer/assessor will make alternative arrangements for assessment. Agreement by the student
Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment? • Yes • No
Do you understand the requirements of this assessment? • Yes • No
Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed? • Yes • No
Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment? • Yes If yes, what are they?
____________________________________________________________________ • No
Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment? • Yes • No
Student name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Student signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Assessor name: __________________________________________________________________________
Assessor signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Assessment Task 1 – Written Questions
Task Summary
• This is an open book test.
• Students need to answer all of the written questions correctly.
• Answers should be provided on a separate sheet of paper with the assessment task number clearly indicated, the students name and each question clearly marked. Answers must be word-processed and sent to the assessor via email.
What do students need to complete this assessment?
• Access to textbooks/other learning materials
• Computer and Microsoft Office
• Access to the internet
When and where do students need to do this?
This assessment task will be completed in the classroom.
Write in the date as advised by your assessor:
What do students have to submit?
• Answers to all questions
What if students get something wrong?
If your assessor sees that you did not complete the task satisfactorily, they will give you feedback about the questions you have not answered correctly and a timeline for resubmission.
Instructions to students
Answer all the questions below.
1. Identify four different types of marketing objectives that a company might have?
2. Describe the innovation/value matrix and its uses.
3. Discuss portfolio analysis?
4. Discuss the benefits of branding in relation to possibly improving marketing performance?
5. Discuss each component of the acronym SMART in relation to objectives
6. Discuss in around a paragraph why there may be some tension between long-term and short-term marketing objectives?
7. Discuss the balanced score-card approach?
8. Explain the concept of product differentiation strategy?
9. Explain two common sources of differentiation within a product differentiation strategy?
10. Explain two disadvantages of using a product differentiation strategy?
11. Explain the concept of competitive advantage?
Student’s name:
Did the student:
Where the student has not answered the question
satisfactorily, include a brief comment as to why
Yes No
Provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for Q.1:
Provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for Q.2:
Provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for Q.3
Provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for Q.4:
Provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for Q.5:
Student’s name:
Did the student:
Where the student has not answered the question satisfactorily, include a brief comment as to why
Yes No
Provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for Q.6:
Provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for Q.7:
Provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for Q.8:
Provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for Q.9:
Provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for Q.10:
Student’s name:
Did the student:
Where the student has not answered the question satisfactorily, include a brief comment as to why
Yes No
Task Outcome: Satisfactory • Not Satisfactory •
Assessor name:

Assessment Task 2: Manage marketing performance and staff project
Task Summary
As this assessment task requires you in the role of Marketing Manager to prepare for and conduct a meeting with marketing staff to communicate the company’s strategic marketing opportunities and marketing strategies. You will also be required to develop a communication plan to discuss at the meeting to ensure that the organisation’s marketing objectives are met.
You can choose a company and use its Marketing Plan by viewing the site or by researching the Internet for a Marketing Plan for a company that you are interested in. Note the marketing plan must include sufficient information in order to be able to complete this assessment – this means the marketing plan must include business goals, target customers, marketing/branding strategy, sales forecasts and marketing expenses budget, as well as marketing metrics over at least 2 years and preferably 3 years.
Before you start the assessment task, you should discuss your choice of company with your assessor who will need to approve your choice before you start the assessment project. For the purposes of this assessment, assume that you are the Marketing Manager of the company that you have chosen and that your assessor is the Managing Director. Assume that the location of the business is in the city or suburb you are living in. and that the marketing strategies as described in the plan are currently being implemented.
If you are having difficulty sourcing a suitable Marketing Plan, you should speak to your assessor who can assist you to source one.
What do students need to complete this assessment?
? Computer and Microsoft Office
? Access to the Internet to select and download Marketing Plan and for research
? Marketing Plan
? Communication plan template
? Power point projector
? Presentation space
When and where do students need to do this?
This assessment task will be completed in the classroom as part of the simulated work environment.
Write in the date as advised by your assessor:
What do students have to submit?
• Power point presentation
• Communication plan
What if students get something wrong?
If your assessor sees that you did not complete the task satisfactorily, they will give you feedback about the tasks you have not completed satisfactorily and a timeline for resubmission.
Instructions to students
1. Read the marketing plan for the company you have chosen. Assume that the marketing strategies that are identified in the Marketing Plan are the current marketing strategies.
Assume that current personnel employed by the business include the CEO, the Marketing Manager (you), Sales Manager and Administration/Marketing Officer.
2. Develop a power point presentation to provide to staff. Your power point will need to accompany a session of approximately 30 minutes. Use graphics such as tables, graphs and charts to break up the text.
The power points must be written in clear and concise English to convey clear messages to the team and must address:
• Strategic marketing objectives as documented in the Marketing Plan.
• A summary of the company’s products/services and those that represent the greatest potential. This information is to be provided so that staff to understand and apply the company’s marketing focus.
• Marketing strategies/activities that are currently being implemented to achieve strategic marketing objectives.
• Current promotional activities and alignment with strategic marketing objectives
• Current pricing strategies
• Current distribution strategies
• Roles and responsibilities according to the marketing strategies and activities identified in the plan.
2. Develop a communication plan using the template provided by your assessor. The purpose of the communication plan is to show how over a 12-month period staff will be kept informed of marketing activities and performance and to assist in ensuring marketing objectives are met. A range of activities should be included. The communication plan must be written in clear and concise English to convey clear messages to the team.
3. Conduct the presentation on the date and at the time specified by your assessor. Your assessor will role-play the CEO and will invite two other students to play staff roles. As both your assessor and students will ask you questions during/at the end of the presentation, be prepared to answer questions.
4. During the presentation, you will be required to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
• Speaking clearly and concisely
• Responding to questions

Student name:
Did the student: Completed
successfully Comments
Yes No
Communicate key strategic marketing objectives to staff?
Provide information about the company’s products and services, including those that represent the greatest potential in order for employees to understand and apply the company’s marketing focus?
Communicate marketing strategies and
activities to achieve strategic objectives, as well as roles and responsibilities in relation to each?
Communicate current promotional activities and alignment with strategic marketing objectives
Student name:
Did the student: Completed
successfully Comments
Yes No
• Current pricing strategies
• Current distribution strategies
Develop a communication plan to show how staff will be kept informed of marketing activities and performance to ensure marketing objectives are met?
Task Outcome: Satisfactory • Not Satisfactory •
Assessor name:
Assessment Task 3: Evaluate marketing performance project
Task Summary
This assessment task requires you to evaluate the performance of the company you selected for Assessment Task 2 based on data included in the marketing plan, including sales data and marketing metrics. You will be required to develop a report to present to the CEO (your assessor).
What do students need to complete this assessment?
? Computer and Microsoft Office
? Access to the Internet for research
? Report template
When and where do students need to do this?
This assessment task will be completed in the classroom as part of the simulated work environment.
Write in the date as advised by your assessor:
What do students have to submit?
• Completed evaluation report
What if students get something wrong?
If your assessor sees that you did not complete the task satisfactorily, they will give you feedback about the tasks you have not completed satisfactorily and a timeline for resubmission.
Instructions to students
Complete the following activities:
1. Complete the following activities in order to develop a report. Use the report template provided to you by your assessor.
a. Conduct a PESTLE analysis fro the industry area in which your company is based in order to determine current market issues. Report on key market issues including trends, competitors and all the factors associated with a PESTLE analysis.
b. Analyse the impact of market conditions as per the PESTLE analysis on strategic marketing objectives and indicate whether changes are required and if so, the changes that are required.
c. Review the sales data, marketing metrics and marketing expenses budget as documented in the Marketing Plan for the company you selected. Assume that the data indicated in year 3 (or year 2 if there are only 2 years) is the current data.
d. Analyse and report on the current marketing performance, as well as in comparison to previous years.
e. Analyse and report on marketing successes as shown in the Marketing Plan, as well as areas of performance that need to be improved.
2. Send your completed report to the CEO (your assessor) via email. The report must be written in clear and concise English to convey clear messages to the team.
Did the student: Completed
successfully Comments
Yes No
Analyse and report on key market issues including trends, competitors and all the factors associated with a PESTLE analysis?
Assess the impact of market factors as per the PESTLE analysis on strategic marketing objectives?
Identify changes to strategic marketing objectives as required?
Analyse and report on current marketing performance using sales data, marketing metrics and marketing expenses budget?
Did the student: Completed
successfully Comments
Yes No
Analyse and report on marketing successes, as well as areas of performance that need to be improved?
Task Outcome: Satisfactory • Not Satisfactory •
Assessor name:
Record of Assessment Outcomes
This section records all the evidence used to form the final assessment decision. Please document all types of evidence used in this assessment.
This is for assessment of the following unit:
BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing process
Assessment Requirements Task Outcome
Sufficient (S)
Not Satisfactory (NS)
Not Provided (NP) Date Initials
1. Written questions
2. Manage marketing performance and staff performance project
3. Evaluate marketing performance project
Feedback provided to student (if applicable):
Notes on any reasonable adjustments made:
Overall Assessment Outcome
(C = Competent, NYC = Not Yet Competent)
Health Maintenance and Promotion


First call health center to secure that they work with an immigrant population. Visit the health center and interview a staff, practitioner, or health educator regarding services to a immigrant or migrant population (expect to spend at least 90 minutes in the field). Submit the interviewee's name and title for this project. Introduce yourself and explain what you are trying to accomplish in this report. Remember to probe about where are the translated materials, qualifications of the interpreters, and how many trainings (annually, monthly, bimonthly), what types of training? Be curious. Ask questions.

Describe Health Care Services
Translated materials
Access to Interpreters
Access to health care
Cultural Competency training for clinical and administrative staff

All assignments however big or small should follow APA formatting. Anytime ideas are used from pamphlets, Internet, videos, lectures, articles, or textbooks, student must cite and reference the information. The same goes for developing pamphlets, videos, PowerPoint, projects, and assignments. Students are not allowed to use author's language directly in their Power Point, research papers, summaries, assignments, or discussion without the use of citations. Students should paraphrase the author's information. Using a string of words from the author is called "string plagiarism". Avoid quotations throughout your work. Citing the information at the end of the paragraph or end of the document is improper APA format. I cannot accept assignments that are not cited or reference

Health Maintenance and Promotion

Health Care Services
I was able to interview a medical staff about the health care services and the ability of the immigrants to access to health care in the United States.  The progress of health care services has been able to eliminate the major barriers affecting the immigrant’s access to health care. It was clear that there were effective health promotion activities which enhanced the equitable access to the health care programs for the migrants and other populations. They also helped in strengthening the migrant health systems develops community-based health care systems.  Nevertheless, the access to health cares among the immigrants was limited by various barriers including economic differences cultural and language challenges (Chang, Simon & Dong, 2012). The understanding of the various cultural differences of the immigrants is critical to offering quality health care services. Therefore, I determined it is critical to have comprehensive health maintenance and promotion strategies among the immigrants.
 Translated Materials
The health care administrators relied on the translated materials and items to offer health care services to the immigrants. The medical interpreters and translators were trained to deal with the issue of language barrier. It was appropriate in improving the access to effective language due to the ease of translating the documents (Renzaho, Romios, Crock, & Sønderlund, 2013). The interviewer also confirms that the use of non-English documents formed part of the translated materials which were essential in the translation of the write my essay documents. Working with bilingual individuals were critical in the translation and development of the translated materials and papers.
 Access to Interpreters
 The access to interpreters was easy as the community health centers had served the minorities community for long and thus, they have developed linguistic capabilities. The health centers have bilingual clinicians who can match with the background of the various clients.  In a cultural context, the trained staffs had the ability to interpret the health needs of the various individuals. The national project had the appropriate training program for the interpreters as well as supporting the health care certification process (Hendson, Reis & Nicholas, 2015). Therefore, the access to interpreters was easy indicating the ability of the minority groups to access health care.
Access to Health Care
From the interview, it was clear that the access to health care was different from the various race and ethnicity in the society. The immigrants did not have access to a regular doctor, and thus, it made it difficult for them to access preventive services, treatment, and control of chronic conditions. Another aspect of improving access to health care was the health insurance coverage (Paniagua & Yamada, 2013). A large percentage of the minorities compared to the whites did not have their normal source of health care due to the lack of health insurance. The interview information reveals that an average of more than 10 percent of all immigrants from ethnic monitories did not have health insurance coverage including the Latinos, African Americans, and the Asians.
Cultural Competency Training for Clinical and Administrative Staff
The health professionals are trained how to offer service in a more culturally acceptable approach. The cultural competence training is done through stages by creating expanding on the existing experience. The types of training offered to the medical staffs to improve cultural competence include the cross-cultural and the skilled based training models. The training methods were appropriate in increasing the knowledge of the medical staffs about the various groups in the society. In most occasions, the training was done in hourly seminars and monthly academic programs. The interpreters were highly qualified with significant training in medical aspects (Pérez & Luquis, 2013). The interviewee also identified that the standards obtained from the professional organizations were critical in improving cultural competence. The strategic efforts towards expanding cultural competence would assist the health care professional in improving the access to quality health care.

Chang, E. S., Simon, M., & Dong, X. (2012). Integrating cultural humility into health care professional education and training. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 17(2), 269-278.
Hendson, L., Reis, M. D., & Nicholas, D. B. (2015). Health care providers’ perspectives of providing culturally competent care in the NICU. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 44(1), 17-27.
Paniagua, F. A., & Yamada, A. M. (Eds.). (2013). Handbook of multicultural mental health: Assessment and treatment of diverse populations. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press.
Pérez, M. A., & Luquis, R. R. (2013). Cultural competence in health education and health promotion. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
Renzaho, A. M. N., Romios, P., Crock, C., & Sønderlund, A. L. (2013). The effectiveness of cultural competence programs in ethnic minority patient-centered health care—a systematic review of the literature. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 25(3), 261-269.

Assessor Name: Signature: Date: / /


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