BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
Student Details
Student Name Student ID
Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. Signature: ____________________________
Date: _____/______/__________
Assessor Details
Assessor’s Name
Feedback to student:
Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my appeal rights.
Signature: _______________________________
Date: ______/_______/___________
Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Signature: ________________________________________
Date: ______/_______/___________
Instructions to the Candidates
? This assessment is to be completed in class supervised by assessor.
? Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.
? If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
? Please refer to the College re-submission and re-sit policy for more information.
? If you have questions and other concerns that may affect your performance in the examination please inform the assessor immediately.
Assessment Task 1 - Identify marketing opportunities
Assessment description
You will analyse a real organisation or simulated business to identify two marketing opportunities, research potential new markets, assess opportunities with respect to contribution to the business, and explore innovative approaches. You will then prepare a brief presentation for marketing peers to support and explain the two marketing opportunities you have identified.
You may base your analysis and report on:
? an organisation you are familiar with, such as a current or previous employment, and from which you can access organisational strategic and marketing plans to identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
Note: You should ensure enough information is available for the organisation and relevant market/s to complete the assessment task to specification
? BBQfun simulated business.
There are two parts to this assessment task. Part A requires you to identify and evaluate two opportunities for your chosen organisation. In part B, you will explain the opportunities to your peers in a 15–20-minute presentation.
Part A
Part A requires you to identify and evaluate two opportunities for your chosen organisation.
1. Choose an organisation to analyse. Identify two marketing opportunities for the organisation you have chosen.
To identify opportunities, analyse information on your chosen organisation’s market and business needs, for example:
a. comparative market information
b. competitors’ performance
c. customer requirements
d. legal and ethical requirements
e. market share
f. market trends and developments
g. new and emerging markets
h. profitability
i. sales figures
Note: Some data in the BBQfun simulated business needs to be updated by you. For your chosen organisation or BBQfun, it is recommended that you use ABS data, for example, to determine demographic and consumer trends.
2. Research potential new markets for the organisation, for example:
a. export markets
b. segments of the market not currently penetrated
c. Consider strategic marketing approaches such as:
i. increasing market share
ii. developing new markets
iii. developing new products
iv. diversification
3. Using a suitable methodology, such as gap analysis, market or marketing analysis, or competitor analysis, identify and decide on two marketing opportunities to focus on and investigate further.
In your analysis, consider types of markets and aspects of the marketing mix such as distribution, products and types of promotional activities, for example:
a. e commerce
b. business to business marketing
c. direct marketing
d. ideas marketing
e. marketing of goods
f. public sector marketing
g. services marketing
h. telemarketing.
4. Estimate the effect of the two marketing opportunities on the business, for example:
a. effect on sales volume
b. growth
c. market share
d. profitability.
5. Use numerical analysis or statistical methods to forecast effects. For example, use the least squares method to estimate demand. Use estimated demand to calculate effect on sales and profitability.
6. Explore and develop entrepreneurial, innovative or creative options (one for each opportunity) to apply the marketing opportunities in the context of the organisation.
For example, if you identify an e-commerce opportunity, determine how to apply the e-commerce opportunity to the organisation including aspects such as media, web-design to appeal to target markets, integration with existing operations, marketing strategy and overall strategic directions.
Part B
Prepare a 15–20-minute presentation for marketing peers explaining and supporting the two marketing opportunities you have identified. Ensure you complete the following:
1. Describe two marketing opportunities and how you identified them. Describe the process you undertook to analyse your organisation to identify the marketing opportunities. Refer to current organisational marketing plan and products/services
2. Support your choice of marketing opportunities with reference to market information such as market trends and sales figures. Include relevant statistics.
3. Describe the effect of opportunities on the business, for example:
a. sales volume
b. growth
c. market share
d. profitability.
Note: You must use evidence to support your assertions, such as:
a. refer to quantitative or qualitative data
b. show/use results of statistical methods of forecasting demand
c. show results of break-even or profit analysis.
2. Describe innovative or creative options (one for each opportunity) to apply the marketing opportunities in the context of the organisation. Refer to aspects of the marketing mix, i.e., product, price, promotion, place (distribution). Refer to principles of marketing that apply to your approaches to realising the proposed opportunities.
3. Use appropriate language and level of formality to satisfy needs of your audience. For example:
a. professional but semi-formal language
b. technical vocabulary; potential need to define more obscure marketing terms or statistical methodologies
c. assume no knowledge of specific organisational policies or marketing strategies
d. be prepared to answer questions
e. provide for response and feedback.
4. Prepare and keep presentation notes and other materials used in the presentation such as PowerPoint slides and handouts.
5. Deliver your presentation as per specifications (below).
6. Submit presentation notes, PowerPoint slides, etc. to your assessor. Keep a copy of all documentation for your records.
Trainer will also provide further explanations on the above instructions in the class which will clearly outline all requirements in more detail and simplistic way according to your understanding level. You may also request your trainer for additional information and may seek help with summarising of all instructions if required.
Submission specifications
You must:
• Prepare a report based on Part A
? deliver a 15–20-minute presentation
? submit presentation notes and other materials used in the presentation such as PowerPoint slides and handouts
Student Details
Student Name Student ID
Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. Signature: ____________________________
Date: _____/______/__________
Assessor Details
Assessor’s Name
Feedback to student:
Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my appeal rights.
Signature: _______________________________
Date: ______/_______/___________
Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Signature: ________________________________________
Date: ______/_______/___________
Instructions to the Candidates
? This assessment is to be completed in class supervised by assessor.
? Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.
? If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
? Please refer to the College re-submission and re-sit policy for more information.
? If you have questions and other concerns that may affect your performance in the examination please inform the assessor immediately.
Assessment Task 1 - Identify marketing opportunities
Assessment description
You will analyse a real organisation or simulated business to identify two marketing opportunities, research potential new markets, assess opportunities with respect to contribution to the business, and explore innovative approaches. You will then prepare a brief presentation for marketing peers to support and explain the two marketing opportunities you have identified.
You may base your analysis and report on:
? an organisation you are familiar with, such as a current or previous employment, and from which you can access organisational strategic and marketing plans to identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
Note: You should ensure enough information is available for the organisation and relevant market/s to complete the assessment task to specification
? BBQfun simulated business.
There are two parts to this assessment task. Part A requires you to identify and evaluate two opportunities for your chosen organisation. In part B, you will explain the opportunities to your peers in a 15–20-minute presentation.
Part A
Part A requires you to identify and evaluate two opportunities for your chosen organisation.
1. Choose an organisation to analyse. Identify two marketing opportunities for the organisation you have chosen.
To identify opportunities, analyse information on your chosen organisation’s market and business needs, for example:
a. comparative market information
b. competitors’ performance
c. customer requirements
d. legal and ethical requirements
e. market share
f. market trends and developments
g. new and emerging markets
h. profitability
i. sales figures
Note: Some data in the BBQfun simulated business needs to be updated by you. For your chosen organisation or BBQfun, it is recommended that you use ABS data, for example, to determine demographic and consumer trends.
2. Research potential new markets for the organisation, for example:
a. export markets
b. segments of the market not currently penetrated
c. Consider strategic marketing approaches such as:
i. increasing market share
ii. developing new markets
iii. developing new products
iv. diversification
3. Using a suitable methodology, such as gap analysis, market or marketing analysis, or competitor analysis, identify and decide on two marketing opportunities to focus on and investigate further.
In your analysis, consider types of markets and aspects of the marketing mix such as distribution, products and types of promotional activities, for example:
a. e commerce
b. business to business marketing
c. direct marketing
d. ideas marketing
e. marketing of goods
f. public sector marketing
g. services marketing
h. telemarketing.
4. Estimate the effect of the two marketing opportunities on the business, for example:
a. effect on sales volume
b. growth
c. market share
d. profitability.
5. Use numerical analysis or statistical methods to forecast effects. For example, use the least squares method to estimate demand. Use estimated demand to calculate effect on sales and profitability.
6. Explore and develop entrepreneurial, innovative or creative options (one for each opportunity) to apply the marketing opportunities in the context of the organisation.
For example, if you identify an e-commerce opportunity, determine how to apply the e-commerce opportunity to the organisation including aspects such as media, web-design to appeal to target markets, integration with existing operations, marketing strategy and overall strategic directions.
Part B
Prepare a 15–20-minute presentation for marketing peers explaining and supporting the two marketing opportunities you have identified. Ensure you complete the following:
1. Describe two marketing opportunities and how you identified them. Describe the process you undertook to analyse your organisation to identify the marketing opportunities. Refer to current organisational marketing plan and products/services
2. Support your choice of marketing opportunities with reference to market information such as market trends and sales figures. Include relevant statistics.
3. Describe the effect of opportunities on the business, for example:
a. sales volume
b. growth
c. market share
d. profitability.
Note: You must use evidence to support your assertions, such as:
a. refer to quantitative or qualitative data
b. show/use results of statistical methods of forecasting demand
c. show results of break-even or profit analysis.
2. Describe innovative or creative options (one for each opportunity) to apply the marketing opportunities in the context of the organisation. Refer to aspects of the marketing mix, i.e., product, price, promotion, place (distribution). Refer to principles of marketing that apply to your approaches to realising the proposed opportunities.
3. Use appropriate language and level of formality to satisfy needs of your audience. For example:
a. professional but semi-formal language
b. technical vocabulary; potential need to define more obscure marketing terms or statistical methodologies
c. assume no knowledge of specific organisational policies or marketing strategies
d. be prepared to answer questions
e. provide for response and feedback.
4. Prepare and keep presentation notes and other materials used in the presentation such as PowerPoint slides and handouts.
5. Deliver your presentation as per specifications (below).
6. Submit presentation notes, PowerPoint slides, etc. to your assessor. Keep a copy of all documentation for your records.
Trainer will also provide further explanations on the above instructions in the class which will clearly outline all requirements in more detail and simplistic way according to your understanding level. You may also request your trainer for additional information and may seek help with summarising of all instructions if required.
Submission specifications
You must:
• Prepare a report based on Part A
? deliver a 15–20-minute presentation
? submit presentation notes and other materials used in the presentation such as PowerPoint slides and handouts

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