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Assignment On 11-09-2015
Final Research Project Preparation – Annotated Bibliography Review the Final Research Project instructions located in Week Five. To help with the preparation of the paper, complete the following items and submit them to your instructor as a single document. Introduction to Topic: Refer to the Final Research Project guidelines for your topic selection. For your introduction, you should write a 150-word paragraph which clearly explains the topic, the importance of further research, ethical implications, and how the topic relates to one’s academic and professional pursuits. Make sure you effectively inform the reader of the rationale behind your topic. Thesis statement: Write a direct and conci…..
Human Resources Discussion 1 & 2 On 11-09-2015
Discussion 1: Performance management is an important HRM function as it is the processes and actions taken to align employee performance with organizational objectives. Read the article and in 200-250 words evaluate whether your company’s formal performance evaluation process is effective. What steps could be taken to make it more effective? What is the role of HR in performance evaluation? Who is responsible for it? I am a P.E. teacher and coach Varsity Boys Basketball in a small rural private school of only 365 students. We have no formal HR department, but the secretary has dual jobs and one is the HR manager. &nbs…..
question On 11-09-2015
What kind of addiction treatment settings exist? What populations do the different settings serve? How does prejudice affect the willingness of individuals within special populations to seek treatment? What are important issues to explore with LGBT individuals working to overcome addiction who feel the need to come out in line with the recommendation of the Alcoholics Anonymous program of being rigorously honest? 300 words each …..
Assignment 2: Required Assignment 2?Career Development Plan On 11-09-2015
In this assignment, you will recommend the components of a career development planning program and explain how the plan will integrate the organization’s mission and value statements. Consider the following scenario: You work in the HR Department of an electric power company in the southwestern region of the U.S. The company was founded in 1940 and has an excellent reputation as a provider of electricity. It is also considered to be an outstanding corporate citizen and known to be an excellent place to work. It has been ranked among the top three employers in the community for several years. Its mission is to serve customer’s needs for electric power in ways that provide exceptional value to all stakeholders including customers, sh…..
Senerio Question for Discussion Bored Research 202 On 11-09-2015
Scenario 4: A consultant had administered a questionnaire to some 285 employees using a simple random sampling procedure. As she looked at the responses, she suspected that two questions might not have been clear to the respondents. She would like to know if her suspicion is well-founded. State the relevant population and the most appropriate sampling design. Be sure to discuss the reasons for your answers. This question is for a class discussion bored, it is not completely formal, but any straight referenced facts need a reference. …..
Write an outline on the path-goal theory . On 11-09-2015
submit a draft of your research paper with several components to ensure you are on the right track. Include the following: ? an outline of your research and the intended direction of your argument ? at least five scholarly resources you have found from the CSU Online Library that contribute to your topic ? a brief annotated bibliography of two scholarly resources ? an abstract outlining your topic and your subsequent findings This research draft should be double spaced with Times New Roman 12 point font, and use appropriate APA style writing. While there is no minimum requirement for your draft, you should be thorough in your research so your professor (or a colleague) could adequately determine your intended research and the direction you are going wit…..
The health care role is Registered Nurse On 11-09-2015
In this discussion, imagine that your organization or facility is changing from paper medical records to electronic health records. While staying within your assigned role: Demonstrate how you would participate in this change (e.g., identify your needs, state your concerns and complaints, and describe your specific role in the transformation). Examine the ethical and legal issues that you would identify from the perspective of your role. Describe how you would approach at least one of your identified ethical or legal concerns during this transfer to EHRs. Field of study is Health Care Administration …..
International Nursing Roles compared to US On 11-09-2015
Prepare 5-6 slides Microsoft® PowerPoint®presentation that summarizes the nursing profession’s current and future international role. Speaker notes APA format with peer reviewed references not older than 10 years Describe the nurses’ role in the United States and internationally in delivering evidence-based care, policy development, and professional advocacy. …..
Discussion 4 On 11-09-2015
1 page Directions for discussion Board Collaboration leverages the collective knowledge of a team. Peer evaluation and support, provided in the spirit of continuous improvement and organizational success, result in higher quality deliverables than generally possible by the efforts of an individual. Please describe the process you plan to use to conduct research, identify findings, and develop the Comprehensive Project due in Unit 5 and present a brief outline indicating how you intend to organize the project deliverable. Directions for the UNIT 5 ASSIGNMENT BELOW You have just attended a manager’s meeting about establishing self-directed, high-performing teams. The compa…..
Group On 11-09-2015
3 pages You have just been part of a merger. You have each been chosen to head up your department and merge the two groups into a self-directed work team. Work with each other to lay out a plan describing how you will develop a new team within your department or departments. It is natural that there will be some confrontations between people. Look at the stages of team development and use that knowledge to work with the team. It is recognized that some employees will refuse to be part of the team. In fact, the new ownership expects that there will be some who lose their jobs because of these issues; however, that is a last resort. Use all your skills to negotiate with employees in an attempt to resolve conflicts and pull your team together. Because you are working to…..
job description On 11-09-2015
Create a job description. Please review the sample job description provided in this document. Submissions should follow the style and format provided in the sample provided; review the sample job description fully. Your work and language should be original; plagiarism will be monitored. You should focus on a job for which you have ample experience, knowledge, and/or interest. The goal of this assignment is to better understand the nature of a job and how to analyze one. The project is broken up into three (3) · Job Description- Part A: Create a draft of the first page including the first three sections of the job description, to include: Job Ti…..
Project Closing On 11-09-2015
2-3 pages McGee Carpet and Trim installs carpets in commercial offices. Andrea McGee has been very concerned with the amount of time it took to complete several recent jobs. Some of her workers are very unreliable. A list of activities and their optimistic completion time, the most likely completion time, and the pessimistic completion time (all in days) for a new contract are provided in a given table. Following are the activities that are required to install the carpets in the offices: Activity 1: Measure office room dimensions Activity 2: Estimate cost Activity 3: Material requisition Activity 4: Workforce requisition…..
4-5 pg. APA paper, Performance issues and theory of motivation On 11-09-2015
Must follow these directions MUST be in APA 6th ED formatting. Minus Title and Abstract, I will do those. MUST BE IN PROFICIENT ENGLISH!!!!!! Page Requirement: 4-5 pages (double spaced) per APA 6th ed. At least 3 sources HR Performance Issues and Motivation The relationship between the organization and its members can be greatly influenced by what motivates individuals to work. The style of leadership, job design, resources on the job, and environment can all have a significant effect on the satisfaction of employees and their performance. Performance is also influenced by individual motivations (e.g., social, recognition, financ…..
Unit 2 Guiding Questions On 11-09-2015
Unit 2 Guiding Questions Answer all Unit 2 Guiding Questions. Provide detailed responses, 125 word minimum for each response (Approximately ½ page/response) APA Format Guiding Questions Discuss the three basic types of competitive advantage. Illustrate a company that has achieved all of them. Illustrate what factors have led companies to pursue a strategy based on quality. Provide a company example and why it is relevant. What is the difference between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty? Why is it important to distinguish between the two? Provide an example of a comp…..
Environmental Analysis You can choose a product for the teams approval and then select which items to write about along with the team. Choose, as a team, a product for an environmental analysis. Attain faculty approval for your chosen product On 11-09-2015
Environmental Analysis You can choose a product for the teams approval and then select which items to write about along with the team. Choose, as a team, a product for an environmental analysis. Attain faculty approval for your chosen product. Research an environmental analysis for the Learning Team’s selected product. Write a research paper of from 1,500 to 3,000 words in which you include a descriptive analysis of the following: The product: the main features of the product and the major benefits received by those using the product; current branding strategies, a description of pricing used at distribution levels and to final us…..
Unit 2 Journal Assignment On 11-09-2015
Unit 2 Journal Write a three page journal over the case study from chapter 1 “The Bama Companies Inc.” In your journal identify how the vision and mission statements are reflected in the management processes. Also discuss what factors allow Bama to compete with much larger companies, and whether or not quality is one of these factors. (Word length: 750 words) APA Format …..
Couse Spanning Task On 11-09-2015
Course Spanning Task Part 2: Identify a topic and find five links. Provide a one-paragraph description of each link as it relates to your topic. Each paragraph should be 50-75 words. I have attached a copy of the first 5 I have already done. I need five more based off my topic of Navy recuriting. APA Format. Quality Assurance in Navy Recruitment Processes Recruiting, Retention and Future Levels of Army Personnel, retrieved from https://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/ftpdocs/76xx/doc7626/10-05-recruiting.pdf In this document, the Congressio…..
Summative Assessment You are a worker in a fast growing, large, non-union manufacturing organization. You notice persistent systematic labor violations in the plant. The company has multiple locations in the United States and plants in China and Fran On 11-09-2015
Summative Assessment You are a worker in a fast growing, large, non-union manufacturing organization. You notice persistent systematic labor violations in the plant. The company has multiple locations in the United States and plants in China and France. People are complaining about the working conditions and wages. A group of your fellow workers are talking about the need to fight back. There seems to be a willingness to organize. You have decided to seek the help of a Union. Write the following information inproposal format. Remember to follow APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center and to cite at…..
Management On 11-09-2015
INSTRUCTIONS Read the following article Monahan, Sean, and Robert Nardone. “How Unilever aligned its supply chain and business strategies.” Supply Chain Management Review Nov. 2007: 44+. Popular Magazines. Web. 1 Sept. 2015. URL http://goo.gl/QGK3CH After reviewing the article, answer the following questions. Make sure your answers reflect an understanding of the materials covered/discussed in class and in the assigned readings. 1. How would you characterize the competitive strategy of a Unilever? What are the key customer needs that Unilever aims to fill? …..
read: Bardach?s Eight-fold Path Part III . Analysis of Bardach?s Eight-fold Path. produce a one-to-two page (250-500 words) journal of their observations and reflections on the readings. On 11-09-2015
needs to read: Bardach’s Eight-fold Path Part III . Analysis of Bardach’s Eight-fold Path by 11 PM on September 12th. produce a one-to-two page (250-500 words) journal of their observations and reflections on the readings. Students should suggest what two or three ideas were of interest and why they found them of interest. Please include the following: How do the concepts or themes that you choose to highlight link to the broader course themes? Why are they important? How do they apply to real world problems (using personal experiences provide some practical application)? …..
Discussion Questions for Retirement and Real Estate Planning Week 4 On 11-09-2015
Discuss advantages and disadvantages to using a money purchase plan. Discuss when an employer might want to establish a target benefit plan or a profit sharing plan rather than a money purchase plan. …..
Discussion Questions for Business Management Week 4 On 11-09-2015
Please respond to both learning activities below and respond to at least two classmates’ postings. Be sure to include the learning activity number you are responding to. Use APA format for citations and include a reference list. Topic 1: Perform a SWOT analysis of the company you would like to launch (following up from last week’s discussion) OR select any established company and perform a SWOT analysis. Having identified the company’s external opportunities and threats and its internal strengths and weaknesses, you need to consider what your findings mean. That is, you need to balance strengths and weaknesses against opportunities and threats. Is the company in an overall strong competitive position? Can it con…..
Based on two articles from 2003 or later, select two contemporary change leadership models. Compare them. Explain why they would be appropriate for today’s chaotic, fast-paced global environment. On 11-09-2015
Based on two articles from 2003 or later, select two contemporary change leadership models. Compare them. Explain why they would be appropriate for today’s chaotic, fast-paced global environment. In 200- 250 words with 3 references. …..
solutions On 11-09-2015
Details: Refer to the following links that explain the RFP process and provide a template that can be modified to suit any situation: The RFP Process for EHR Systems: http://library.ahima.org/xpedio/groups/public/documents/ahima/bok1_047961.hcsp?dDocName=bok1_047961 RFI/RFP Template: http://library.ahima.org/xpedio/groups/public/documents/ahima/bok1_047959.hcsp?dDocName=bok1_047959 Select one of your suggested solutions you identified in the EHR Life Cycle Presentati…..
English Composition On 11-09-2015
Using the plans you outlined in last week’s Profile Process Piece assignment, you are now ready to compose the Profile essay. Be sure to read this week’s lecture and Chapter 5 in your text for more information about writing profiles, keeping these key components in mind: Profiles take a specific angle that shares a significant issue, important contribution, or surprising quality of a person, place, or event with which you have first-hand experience. Profiles are not full life stories; instead, they share a fresh perspective on a larger issue. Profiles require writers to take a close look at a subject and use detail and description to bring the subject to life. The subject of the Profile should focus on a local person you kno…..
Paper: Home Security Vulnerabilities On 11-09-2015
Paper: Home Security Vulnerabilities For this assignment, we will focus on the various tools and techniques available to the security professional in order to prepare a security vulnerability assessment. Assess your residence, or one occupied by a relative or friend, for every security vulnerability that you see. Remember, do not assume criminals will not notice minor weaknesses. During your assessment, focus on the neighborhood and general area, and at least four of the following: Alarms Lighting Landscaping Doors Windows Locks Fences or Walls Cameras Motion Sensors Explain why you believe yo…..
Internal and External Equity Comparison On 11-09-2015
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper, in which you identify a total compensation plan for an organization focused on internal equity, and a total compensation plan for an organization focused on external equity. Identify advantages and disadvantages of internal and external equity for the organizations. Explain how each plan supports that organization’s total compensation objective and the relationship of the organization’s financial situation to its plan. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines …..
BUS330 week 3 Discussion 1 and 2 On 11-09-2015
Discussion 1 Choose a water park or other vacation destination. Create a hypothetical marketing campaign that uses what you’ve learned about the CRM approach. Describe how you might apply insights about developing long-lasting relationships with customers to retain or reactivate past visitors. You must use the text and at least one additional scholarly source. Discussion 2 Read “Why Marketers Need To Stop Following Trends And Start Advancing Movements”. Local businesses and organizations transitioning to global markets might concern themselves with …..
Review the case study “Strategically Managing the HRM Function: Saving Starbucks’ Soul ” on p. 751 of Chapter 16 in your textbook and submit your final paper. Respond to the assigned case study encompassing all HRM course topics. Use your strategic HRM best practices toolkit and ROI stakeholder matrices to support your position(s) taken and recommendation(s) made. How should HR apply the strategic HRM best practices (concerning the legal environment, talent acquisition, training and employee development, performance management, employee separation and retention, compensation and employee pay, employee benefits) to support Starbucks’ organizational goals? What personal development should the HR professional seek to ensure her/his role as a strateg…..
I need a power point presentation On 11-09-2015
Each student will be required to perform an individual 30 minute presentation. The presenter can use any methods such as PowerPoint presentations, handouts, short video clips, picture analyses, etc., but must cover your objectives adequately. Additionally, you will prepare a 15 question quiz to administer to the other students in the class following your presentation.. Presentation Grading Guide Student Name:________________________________________________________________ Topic: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: &nb…..
Select two special population groups. On 11-09-2015
Select two special population groups. Write a 2,100- to 2,450-word paper that compares the experiences of the two groups and discusses unique treatment issues that must be taken into consideration for each of these groups. Address the following: How are these groups similar? How are they different? What unique challenges do they face, separate from one another? What are the strengths of these special populations? What are the challenges these groups face with admitting addiction? What psychotherapeutic approaches would be most effective with these groups? Why? What treatment areas are specific to the selected populations? What type of treatment …..
Competitive Advantages Paper On 11-09-2015
Resources: Riordan Virtual Organization and Environmental Scan Paper Use the Riordan Virtual Organization and research from last week’s Environmental Scan Paper for this assignment. Decide which competitive advantages Riordan has in common with the companies researched last week, and estimate which competitive strategies Riordan could use to improve innovation and sustainability of business operations both in the United States and in the global market. Explain why you chose these competitive strategies and estimate how they might affect sustainability of long-term organizational performance. Explain how the global market would affect the business strategy of Riordan. …..
Human Resource On 11-09-2015
HRMG 700: Course Topic Paper Guidelines Throughout the course, you will be tasked with selecting, researching, and then writing a paper on the Human Resource Management (HRM) topic of your choice. You are encouraged to select a topic you find interesting or one that is relevant to your current or future career. I find that it is generally more enjoyable and thus successful when you focus on research for a topic you personally find interesting and relevant to you. There are three assignments throughout the seven weeks to help you complete the course topic paper. They are: (1) Topic Paper Proposal – Due Week 2 (2) Topic Paper Outline – Due Week 4 (3) Topic Paper – Due Week 6 (1) Topic Proposal Assignment Points: 75 Assignment Expectations: For this portion of the assignm…..
Discuss On 11-09-2015
Discuss the differences between an attitude and a behavior. Provide 4 substantive reasons why it is important for organizations to monitor and mitigate employee behavior that is either beneficial or detrimental to the organization’s goals and existence. (100 Words) …..
The health care role is Registered Nurse On 11-09-2015
In this discussion, imagine that your organization or facility is changing from paper medical records to electronic health records. While staying within your assigned role: Demonstrate how you would participate in this change (e.g., identify your needs, state your concerns and complaints, and describe your specific role in the transformation). Examine the ethical and legal issues that you would identify from the perspective of your role. Describe how you would approach at least one of your identified ethical or legal concerns during this transfer to EHRs. Field of study is Health Care Administration …..
International Nursing Roles compared to US On 11-09-2015
Prepare 5-6 slides Microsoft® PowerPoint®presentation that summarizes the nursing profession’s current and future international role. Speaker notes APA format with peer reviewed references not older than 10 years Describe the nurses’ role in the United States and internationally in delivering evidence-based care, policy development, and professional advocacy. …..
Regulated Power Supplies Lab On 11-09-2015
Work Practice Problem 22-12, pg. 1005. Save all work in a Word file called “Lab8_StudentID”. Construct a circuit in MultiSIM similar to Figure 22-21, pg. 983 using an LM7815 voltage regulator and a 2000uf capacitor. Capture screenshots that confirm calculations of IL and VR. Include worked solutions and MultiSIM screenshots that verify your calculations in the document entitled “Lab8_StudentID …..
Week 8 On 11-09-2015
Question 1 Work Problem 15-8 p.661 Question 2 Work Problem 18-12 p.782 Question 3 Work Problem 22-4 p. 1005 Question 4 Work Problem 15-12 p.661 Question 5 Work Problem 16-4 p.705 Question 6 Work Problem 17-20 p. 735 Question 7 Work Problem 21…..
Electronics On 10-09-2015
1) Briefly describe the company you researched, its compensation strategy, best practices they are applying, and compensation-related challenges they are facing. 2) Analyze how your company applies compensation practice to determine the positive or negative impact to the company and its stakeholders. 3) Examine the ways in which laws, labor unions, and market factors impact the company’s compensation practices. Provide specific examples to support your response. 4) Evaluate the effectiveness of traditional bases for pay at the company you researched. 5) Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. …..
Compensation Practice On 10-09-2015
1) Briefly describe the company you researched, its compensation strategy, best practices they are applying, and compensation-related challenges they are facing. 2) Analyze how your company applies compensation practice to determine the positive or negative impact to the company and its stakeholders. 3) Examine the ways in which laws, labor unions, and market factors impact the company’s compensation practices. Provide specific examples to support your response. 4) Evaluate the effectiveness of traditional bases for pay a…..
Compensation Practice On 10-09-2015
1) Briefly describe the company you researched, its compensation strategy, best practices they are applying, and compensation-related challenges they are facing. 2) Analyze how your company applies compensation practice to determine the positive or negative impact to the company and its stakeholders. 3) Examine the ways in which laws, labor unions, and market factors impact the company’s compensation practices. Provide specific examples to support your response. 4) Evaluate the effectiveness of traditional bases for pay at the company you researched. 5) Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. …..
Advertising Regulation On 10-09-2015
Research and apply the content from recent articles about Advertising Regulation. You must cite at least 3-5 sources outside of the class textbook. Write a minimum of 3 to 5 pages for the body of the research paper (using APA writing style format) discussing your viewpoint on the topic and refer to the content from the articles to support your findings. Write in 3rd person. For APA writing style formatting see the APA style guide at the resources tab for APA formatting guidelines. APA writing style requires in-text citations and references support the citations on the references page as needed throughout the document. …..
BA 685 MT On 10-09-2015
Question 1 Briefly describe the technologies that are leading businesses into the third wave of electronic commerce. Question 2 In about 100 words, describe the function of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. Include a discussion of the differences between gTLDs and sTLDs in your answer. Question 3 In one or two paragraphs, describe how the Internet changed from a government research project into a technology for business users. Question 4 In about 100 words, explain the difference between an extranet and an intranet. In your answer, describe when you might use a VPN in either. Question 5 Define “channel conflict” and describe in one or two paragraphs how a co…..
Signal Representation On 10-09-2015
Discuss some ways in which time-dependent signals can be classified. Discuss what is meant by “basic signal representation” and the advantage of this type of representation. …..
A cylindrical specimen of a brass alloy having a length. On 10-09-2015
A cylindrical specimen of a brass alloy having a length of 60 mm (2.36 in.) must elongate only 10.8 mm (0.425 in.) when a tensile load of 50,000 N (11,240lbf) is applied. Under these circumstances, what must be the radius of the specimen? Consider this brass alloy to have the stress-strain behavior shown inFigure. …..
Reference Guide On 10-09-2015
Imagine you are the office manager at a small doctor’s office. As the office manager, you are in charge of educating new hires. Write a 700- to 1,050-word reference guide describing electronic data interchange (EDI). Include the following in your summary: Define EDI. Explain how using EDI facilitates electronic transactions. Explain how HIPAA has changed how health care information is transmitted in EDI. Describe the relationship between Electronic Health Records, reimbursement, HIPAA, and EDI transactions. Cite a minimum of two outside sources. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources check out the Re…..
A copper metal wire is used as a strain gauge On 10-09-2015
A copper metal wire is used as a strain gauge. The resistivity is 1.68×10-8 ?.m at 20. The length and cross-sectional area of the wire are 5mm and 4*10-4 m2. The material elongates by an amount of 0.2mm in 0.2mm increments until it reaches 6mm in length. Assuming the volume remains constant, calculate the resistance at each length. You should use the standard equation for the resistance of a metal. What is that equation? Fill in the table below. Show all calculations. Calculate the difference in resistance between the resistance at each length and the resistance before strain is added. Also, calculate the change in resistance using the approximation found in equation 5.12 of your text. How does the change in length change the resistance of…..
Digital Logic Design On 10-09-2015
There is only one question with 5 parts. You are given a timing diagram and must derive truth table, minterm + maxterm list, and draw NAND and NOR outcome. Review the assignment in the attached file and be sure you can complete it in time before send me a handshake request or messaging. Don’t bother contacting if you have zero or many negative reviews. I will not reply. Attachments: EENG -– Digital Logic Review #2 From the timing diagram given below: …..
Article Review On 10-09-2015
Resource: Article Review Format Guide Locate an article specifically related to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX Act) of 2002. Write a 350- to 700-word review of the article. Your review should discuss how the SOX Act may affect ethical decision making in today’s business environment, and the criminal penalties for which the act provides. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Use the article review guideline strictly as a content guideline. …..
CJA 394 Correctional Issues The federal government’s decision to reduce or eliminate minimum mandatory sentences for non-violent drug offenses On 10-09-2015
CJA 394 Correctional Issues The federal government’s decision to reduce or eliminate minimum mandatory sentences for non-violent drug offenses …..
Amp Introduction On 10-09-2015
Read Chapters 1-2 in the text Op Amps for Everyone Fourth Edition For the configuration below: With Vin = 4Vrms, f = 1kHz answer the following for each case: Calculate voltage gain with RF = 1kohm, RG = 5kohm Calculate voltage gain with RF = 1kohm, RG = 1kohm Calculate voltage gain with RF = 5kohm, RG = 1kohm Calculate voltage gain with RF = 5kohm, RG = 5kohm Describe the effect of on voltage gain of keeping RF constant and increasing or decreasing RG Describe the effect of on voltage gain of keeping RG constant and increasing or decreasing RF 3. For the configuration below &nbs…..
Shopping Cart On 10-09-2015
Research and apply the content from recent articles about the use of e-Commerce Shopping carts. You must cite at least 3-5 sources outside of the class textbook. Write a minimum of 3 to 5 pages for the body of the research paper (using APA writing style format) discussing your viewpoint on the topic and refer to the content from the articles to support your findings. Write in 3rd person. For APA writing style formatting see the APA style guide at the resources tab for APA formatting guidelines. APA writing style requires in-text citations and references support the citations on the references page as needed throughout the document. …..
Week 1 Discussion On 10-09-2015
Question B Research and discuss the features of the Itanium 2 microprocessor. Question C Discuss the purpose and details of the TLB within the Pentium class microprocessor. …..
Discussion On 10-09-2015
Question B Discuss why analog design and in particular op amp design is a fundamental skill that will be required far into the future. Question C Discuss the basic assumptions made to simplify analysis of op-amps and how these assumptions make this simplification possible. …..
Why Study Professional Ethics? On 10-09-2015
Review the code of ethics of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE) and National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). Compare the two and answer the following questions: (write at least 3 paragraphs) How is the language used in each different? What are the similarities between the two codes of ethics? Find a professional organization of your choice and then review and comment on their code ethics. Also discuss if there could be any improvements. (write at least 3 paragraphs) …..
3G and 4G Technologies On 10-09-2015
Compare the pros and cons of 3G and 4G technologies to determine the best uses of 3G and 4G technologies in today’s applications. 2. Describe how an enterprise would use 3G, 4G, WWAN, and WIAMX to improve business. Explain why they would use one (1) solution over the remaining three (3). 3. Analyze the changes in 4G technology since the printing of the textbook in 2009 and identify those of importance for a user of 4G technology. 4. Take a position on the following statement, Wireless application protocol is a necessity for wireless communication organizations and their users. Then, explain your position with supporting evidence. 5. 3 references 6. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements (APA , title page, abstract, and references) …..
ACC 205 Financial Statement Analysis On 10-09-2015
Write a five-to seven-page financial statement analysis of a public company, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. In this analysis you will discuss the financial health of this company with the ultimate goal of making a recommendation to other investors. Your paper should consist of the following sections: introduction, company overview, horizontal analysis, ratio analysis, final recommendation, and conclusions. Your paper needs to include a minimum of two scholarly resources in addition to the textbook as references. Here is a breakdown of the sections within the body of the assignment: …..
Assignment 1: LASA 2: Rehabilitation and Community Corrections On 10-09-2015
Assignment 1: LASA 2: Rehabilitation and Community Corrections One of the problems that you will face in the real world is that of public perception of rehabilitation and community corrections programs. Intermediate sanctions are mechanisms and programs that relate to the supervision of criminal offenders not under strict confinement or incarceration. Gaining support from the public for these programs requires well-documented presentations that are accessible to general audiences and can drive powerful support and ultimately funding for rehabilitation and community corrections programs. Instructions: You have been granted an internship at the Centervale Corrections Authority. Your first task is to research and draft a presentation that will be used to educa…..
Acyclovir | On 10-09-2015
Looking for a acyclovir? Not a problem! http://info-portal.xyz/pharma/acyclovir If you would like to obtain more info concerning acyclovir kindly visit http://info-portal.xyz/pharma/acyclovirGuaranteed Worldwide Shipping Discreet Package Low Prices 24/7/365 Customer Support 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Tags: acyclovir drug no prescription acyclovir overnight delivery no rx order acyclovir without prescription from us pharmacy order acyclovir acyclovir online no prescription can you take amoxicillin and acyclovir together acyclovir pharmacy online sale cheap acyclovir next day delivery buy acyclovir no prescription needed forum buy acyclovir online b…..
Biomedical Engineering On 10-09-2015
You have designed a chemotaxis model to measure cell flux in response to a chemokine concentration gradient. Your design consists of a Petri dish filled with agar gel that has two rectangular holes cut in it (see diagram). In one hole, you add tumor necrosis factor (TNF-D) at a concentration of 10 µg/ml. In the other hole, you add 106 leukocytes/ml. Assume that the concentrations do not change significantly even when the system reaches steady state. a) Assume that the partition coefficient at the boundary of agar and saline is 1.0 for TNF-D. Write an expression for the concentration profile of TNF-D in agar along the x-axis at steady state. b) The leukocytes migrate up the chemokine (TNF-D concentration gradient from one well to the other with a random motility coefficient (essent…..
A capacitive displacement sensor On 10-09-2015
A capacitive displacement sensor is used to measure rotating shaft wobble shown in the figure below. The capacity is 520 pF with no wobble. Find the change in capacity for a +0.035 to -0.035 mm shaft wobble. Show your calculations. 2. To measure the displacement, assume that the capacitive pickoff in problem 1 is used in an AC bridge constructed of only capacitors. Using 520pF for the bridge capacitors, find the offset bridge voltage for the two extremes of shaft wobble. Assume a sine wave voltage input having an amplitude of 5 Vrms and a frequency of 5 kHz. Rather than using an equation from the book, you are required to derive the offset bridge voltage using circuit analy…..
Aldara | 40 Mg Per Day On 10-09-2015
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Resume for Computer tech On 10-09-2015
I need a resume done, that has everything to do with computers, proffessional audio/video and networking including PCB soldering skills, installing hardware skill, installing software skill, wiring network racks, everything to do with netwoking, proffesionally installing audio equipment (such as speaker, amps, cables, sound processors, audio racks etc) and video equipment (such as projectors, cameras, TVs etc) thats good for now, if you can emphisize on the soldering skills and computer skills that would be really good. …..
Direct Addressing and Initializing the Stack On 10-09-2015
Discuss the ways in which direct addressing occurs in the microprocessor. Discuss what is meant by initializing the stack. …..
Filter Design On 10-09-2015
Refer to Chapter 6 in the text as needed. Using the Fast, Practical Filter Design technique presented in section 6.3 design the following. Be sure to show all work for full credit. Low-Pass Filter with critical frequency = 10kHz. High-Pass Filter with critical frequency = 10kHz. Narrow-Bandpass Filter with critical a band of 100kHz Create a MultiSIM schematic of each of your designs. Provide a screenshot. Perform a simulation of each design to demonstrate the filter behavior. Take a screenshot. From your simulation and screenshot in the above step, what is the gain in dB at the critical frequency for the low-pass filter and the high-pass f…..
Active Filter Design Techniques On 10-09-2015
Refer to Chapter 6 in the text as needed. Using the Fast, Practical Filter Design technique presented in section 6.3 design the following. Be sure to show all work for full credit. Low-Pass Filter with critical frequency = 10kHz. High-Pass Filter with critical frequency = 10kHz. Narrow-Bandpass Filter with critical a band of 100kHz Create a MultiSIM schematic of each of your designs. Provide a screenshot. Perform a simulation of each design to demonstrate the filter behavior. Take a screenshot. From your simulation and screenshot in the above step, what is the gain in dB at the critical frequency for the low-pass filter and the high-pass f…..
Elements of Computer Security On 10-09-2015
Research and apply the content from recent articles about the elements of computer security. You must cite at least 3-5 sources outside of the class textbook. Write a minimum of 3 to 5 pages for the body of the research paper (using APA writing style format) discussing your viewpoint on the topic and refer to the content from the articles to support your findings. Write in 3rd person. For APA writing style formatting see the APA style guide at the resources tab for APA formatting guidelines. APA writing style requires in-text citations and references support the citations on the references page as needed throughout the document. …..
1. Your textbook poses the following question on page 277: “Who will have the final authority if the human and computer disagree about the proper control actions in a given system task? On 10-09-2015
2. To what extent do you anticipate that computers (robotics) will perform take-off and landing of commercial transportation aircraft (completely automated like some trains and other people-moving systems)? This is a dicussion question 200 words max nothing fancy at all. …..
Thermal lab sensor On 10-09-2015
In a processing plant, a chemical tower has a liquid which is vaporized. However, if the vapor in the tower reaches 150°C, an alarm needs to be generated so that safe shutdown of that system of the plant may be initiated. An RTD will be used to measure the temperature of the vapor. The RTD will generally operate between 80° to 175°C and has a resistance of 220? at 20°C. The fractional change in resistance per 1°C is 0.0040. The dissipation constant is 25mW/°C. Design a circuit to activate an LED alarm when the temperature reaches 150 °C. The error should not exceed +/-1°C. Use a single supply voltage. Draw a block diagram for your design. Explain the function of each block and why it is needed. Design the circuit showing…..
Interrupts in C On 10-09-2015
What distinguishes an external interrupt from an RTI interrupt? 2. Describe what transpires when an interrupt occurs? 3. What is an interrupt service routine? What benefit does the ISR have over standard polling code? 4. Discuss challenges experienced in developing the dual interrupt software code. …..
Responsibility in Engineering On 10-09-2015
Directions: Please answer the question and support your ideas, then respond to a minimum of two of your classmates. Discuss the rights and responsibilities of an engineer in the area of professional ethics. How is legal liability related to moral responsibility in engineering practice? It only needs to be 150 words. …..
Responsibility in Engineering On 10-09-2015
Discuss some ethical issues faced in engineering design. Provide some examples from our text book and/or the internet and present ideas to resolve those issues. (write at least 3 paragraphs) Research the case studies of space shuttle incidents of the Challenger” in 1986 and “Columbia” in 2003. Answer the following questions: (Use the template: Evaluation of Case Study) What are the factors that contributed to each incident? What were the similarities between the two cases? Do they reveal any common ethical issues…..
W2 Assignment “The Western Concept of Individuality” On 10-09-2015
W2 Assignment “The Western Concept of Individuality” World History I Short Answer Assignment Instructions: Using this week’s lectures, presentation, and at least one (1) outside source which can be from your “Supplemental Readings” for this week, please write a one to two (1-2) page paper on any aspect of Greece and/or Rome that contributed to the Western concept of individuality. The paper must be in APA format. Examples you might choose from include religion, warfare, art, philosophy, government or any combination of t…..
1st Assignment On 10-09-2015
Unit V Essay Write an essay describing how knowledge of water-only systems may influence the incident commander’s incident action plan. Your response must be at least one page in length, double spaced, and 12-point Times New Roman font. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. 2nd Assignment Unit V Homework Using the sample APA-styled paper (title page, abstract, body, and reference page), write a minimum two-page paper that includes the following: 1. First heading (APA Level 1 heading) should …..
mechanical sensors On 10-09-2015
A copper metal wire is used as a strain gauge. The resistivity is 1.68×10-8 ?.m at 20. The length and cross-sectional area of the wire are 5mm and 4*10-4 m2. The material elongates by an amount of 0.2mm in 0.2mm increments until it reaches 6mm in length. Assuming the volume remains constant, calculate the resistance at each length. You should use the standard equation for the resistance of a metal. What is that equation? Fill in the table below. Show all calculations. Calculate the difference in resistance between the resistance at each length and the resistance before strain is added. Also, calculate the change in resistance using the approximation found in equation 5.12 of your text. How does the change in length change the resistance of…..
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week6 Physics On 10-09-2015
Chapter 8 Problems: 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, and 16 Chapter 12 Problems: 1 and 2 2. Determine the output level (maximum positive or maximum negative) for each comparator in Figure 8-44. FIGURE 8–44: 3 . Calculate the VUTP and VLTP in …..
help On 10-09-2015
After reading these directions, please delete them: 1 – Go over ALL the recordings for iLab6 2 – Use the start-up code that has been provided to you. Remember that the code will not compile as-is … You have to add a delay() function call. A delay of a few milliseconds will suffice 3 – Along with this document, please submit a .ZIP file containing the directory structure with all the project and source code files (in other words EVERYTHING that I need in order to run and download your design project). Name the file iLab6_YourLastName.zip, and upload it dropBox, along with this document 4 – Once you are sure your Lab…..
Health Care System in Turmoil Discuss why the current health care system is in turmoil. Identify two major problems of health care and analyze On 10-09-2015
Health Care System in Turmoil Discuss why the current health care system is in turmoil. Identify two major problems of health care and analyze the impact of each of the chosen problems on consumers and the community. Describe the benefits and risks of national health insurance. …..
Unemployment On 10-09-2015
analyze the increasing and decreasing change in the unemployment rate over the last few years for both your local area (closest geographic city reported) and state. (ATLANTA, GEORGIA)Identify any apparent trends based on the changes in the unemployment rate and predict the direction of the unemployment rate in the next six months. Analyze the different types of unemployment and determine which is the most costly to the U.S. economy. …..
Spotify and Adidas Partnership On 10-09-2015
Discuss the current global availability of rare earth elements. Assess which nations are the top producers and the implications of rare earth element mining in these nations. Note: Please think in terms of economic impacts, environmental concerns, and human rights. …..
E-Commerce Initiatives On 10-09-2015
Research and apply the content from recent articles about planning electronic commerce initiatives. You must cite at least 3-5 sources outside of the class textbook. Write a minimum of 3 to 5 pages for the body of the research paper (using APA writing style format) discussing your viewpoint on the topic and refer to the content from the articles to support your findings. Write in 3rd person. For APA writing style formatting see the APA style guide at the resources tab for APA formatting guidelines. APA writing style requires in-text citations and references support the citations on the references page as needed throughout the document. …..
Crisis Management Project Collaboration leverages the collective knowledge of a team. Peer evaluation and support, provided in the spirit of continuous improvement and organizational success On 10-09-2015
Collaboration leverages the collective knowledge of a team. Peer evaluation and support, provided in the spirit of continuous improvement and organizational success, result in higher quality deliverables than are generally possible by the efforts of an individual. Please describe the process you plan to use to conduct research, identify findings, and develop the Comprehensive Project that is due in Unit 5, and present a brief outline indicating how you intend to organize the project deliverables. Please review the process and outlines of other students, providing objective feedback that will help strengthen the effectiveness of their efforts and the quality of the finished product. In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comme…..
Assignment 2 Funding the Rising Cost of U.S. Health Care On 10-09-2015
light of the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) and the myriad of citizens using the new health care insurance system, you, as a health care administrator for a hospital, are responsible for reporting to the hospital’s CEO regarding the new plan’s cost to the hospital and the issues with patients who can afford regular health care coverage. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Give your opinion of the rising cost of health care’s overall impact on the U.S. economy. Justify your response. Compare and contrast at least two (2) areas of the economy that the new health care act impacts. Explain your rationale. Debate the main pros and cons of using private insurance versus using the new affordable health insuran…..
Op-Amp Application and Datasheets On 10-09-2015
Question Submitted by jav284 on Sat, 2015-08-15 17:49 due on Sun, 2015-08-16 18:00 answered 1 time(s) Hand shake with science prodigy: Complete ($1.00 paid) Hand shake with TUTOR MALDAINC: In progress Hand shake with goalscorer: Complete jav284 is willing to pay $3.00 jav284 bought 127 out of 134 answered question(s) Op-Amp Application and Datasheets …..
Practical Op-Amps HW On 10-09-2015
Search the Internet for a LM741 datasheet. texas Instruments can be a good source. Answer the following questions: Given a signal with a peak voltage of 10V and a frequency of 2kHz, calculate the SR for Figure A.4, pg. 212. Given a total noise voltage of ent = 1mV, current noise In = 2pA/sqrt(Hz), and a source resistance Rs = 2kohms, calculate the voltage noise, Vn parameter. Requires solving for Vn in equation (A.3), pg. 207. Given that the maximum frequency without distortion fmax is defined as fmax = SR/2piVp, calculate SR with fmax = 3kHz, and Vp-p = 15v. Review the “LM741 datasheet” in your course materials and provide the following information: Supply voltage range Input Offs…..
Practical Op-Amp Lab On 10-09-2015
Download the video Week 3 – Op Amp Slew Rate (Right click, save as) Construct the op-amp configuration presented in the video with MultiSIM Paste a screenshot showing the slew rate measurement into a Word document entitled “Lab3_StudentID”. Upload file “Lab3_StudentID” …..
Shift and Rotate Instructions and Jump Instructions On 10-09-2015
Discuss the different shift and rotate instructions. Discuss how they work and the operands used. Discuss how conditional and unconditional jump instructions can be used to control the flow of a program. Provide example code …..
Question On 10-09-2015
Read the Organizational Theory in Action case presented on page 117 of the text entitled “Practicing Organizational Theory: Growing Pains”. Answer questions 1 to 4 using the info provided. The e text book link is provided just in case, but the info is listed here. Practicing Organizational Theory; Growing Pains Scenario: You are the founding entrepreneurs of Zylon Corporation, a fast-growing Internet software company that specializes in electronic banking. Customer demand to license your software has boomed so much that in just two years you have added over 50 new software programmers to help develop a new range of software product…..
Framing and Resolving the Problem On 10-09-2015
Investigate utilitarianism on the internet and answer the following questions: (write at least 3 paragraphs) Where did this ethical theory originate from? What are the basic ideas of this theory? How can we apply this ethical theory to our personal and professional lives? Read the case study “Allowing defective chips to go into the market” on the internet at http://www.onlineethics.org/Resources/Cases/DefectiveChips.aspx#solep. Comment on the creative middle way solutions …..
Analog Circuits -Op Amps On 10-09-2015
For the configuration below: With Vin = 4Vrms, f = 1kHz answer the following for each case: Calculate voltage gain with RF = 1kohm, RG = 5kohm Calculate voltage gain with RF = 1kohm, RG = 1kohm Calculate voltage gain with RF = 1kohm, RG = 5kohm Calculate voltage gain with RF = 5kohm, RG = 5kohm Describe the effect of on voltage gain of keeping RF constant and increasing or decreasing RG Describe the effect of on voltage gain of keeping RG constant and increasing or decreasing RF 3. For the configuration below …..
Op sensors On 10-09-2015
Using Multisim, design a system using the photoconductive cell shown in the figure below to measure and display light intensity. Make the design such that 20 to 100mW/cm2 produces an output of 0.2 to 1.0V. What is the readout error when the intensity is 60mW/cm2? Show all calculations and Multisim results. For the turbidity system show in Figure 2 below, two matched photoconductive cells are used in R vs. IL as given in Figure 3 below. Design a signal-conditioning system that outputs the deviation of the flowing system turbidity in volts and triggers an a…..
Nullification paper On 10-09-2015
Explain whether ethnicity influences courtroom proceedings and judicial practices. · Summarize the arguments for and against ethnicity-based jury nullification. · Include contemporary examples of ethnicity-based jury nullification. · Conclude by choosing a position for or against ethnicity-based jury nullification and defend your decision …..
Community-Based Prevention On 10-09-2015
Question 1(a) Explain the life cycle of public health partnerships. Why are collaborative partnerships important? What reasons or issues lead to the termination of partnerships? …..
physics questions On 10-09-2015
Chapter 9 Problems: 1, 3, 4, 5, 11, 17, and 19 1 . Identify each type of filter response (low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, or band-stop) in Figure 9–28. FIGURE 9–28 3 . A single-pole high-pass filter has a frequency-selective network with R = …..
Assignment 3 Ethical Climate Survey ENRON CORPORATION On 10-09-2015
Assignment 3: Ethical Climate Survey · A study by the U.S. Sentencing Commission recognized the importance of organizational culture and its impact on an organization’s commitment to ethical conduct and compliance with the law (LRN, 2006). Imagine that a business of your choosing is concerned about recent ethical breaches by its employees. The business has hired you as a consultant to evaluate the current ethical climate of the organization. The leadership has requested that you to develop a comprehensive survey that the business can use to determine the ethical climate of the organization. Note: You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. In prepar…..
Thermistor project On 10-09-2015
Project Structure: In general, you will have one other classmate in your team. Each of you will design and simulate an instrumentation circuit with different specifications though you will choose and use the same sensor. Thus, it is highly suggested that you communicate with your partner as early as possible to plan and coordinate your activities, select the specifications for your design, and establish a schedule. For the testing phase, you will develop a test plan and characterize and validate your teammate’s circuit. During the project period, you are encouraged to communicate, exchange ideas, and help each other complete your project. A team area will be set up for you in Blackboard, and you are required to use th…..
The “Inline Assembler” and “Macros” On 10-09-2015
Discuss the inline assembler. Include a description of its features, limitations, and usefulness in programming microprocessors. Discuss how macros are used in programming. Include how they are constructed and they are different from procedures. …..
CT312 Week 4 Lab On 10-09-2015
Watch video entitled “Module 4 – Using Assembly Language with C/C++ and Programming the Microprocessor.” Write the procedures for problem 51, pg.301. Include the source code and screenshots of the output in a Word document entitled “Lab4_StudentID”. Where your student id is substituted in the file name. Upload file “Lab4_StudentID”. …..
Radio Frequency Applications and Feedback On 10-09-2015
Question A Discuss some important op amp parameters needed for radio frequency (RF) applications utilizing op amps. Question B Discuss what is meant by “voltage” and “current” feedback. What are the advantages of each type of feedback? …..
ET332 Exam On 10-09-2015
Identify the op-amp configuration and calculate Vout (pin 6) for the following circuit: Identify the op-amp configuration and calculate Vout (pin 6) for the following circuit: Identify the op-amp configuration and calculate Vout (pin 6) for the following circuit: Identify the op-amp configuration and calculate Vout (pin 6) for the following circuit: Identify the op-amp configuration and calculate Vout (pin 6) for the following circuit: Identify the op-amp configuration and calculate Vout (pin 6) for the following circuit: …..
Urgent On 10-09-2015
It’s a labview tutorial. All the info are given in the photo. Please use a simple method . Please use the tools mentioned in the photo. ( 3 LEDs, Select, for and while loops and wait until next ms multiple). I need it within 1 – 1:mins. Cheers. Attachments: …


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