Assignments eg ECO 561 Final Exam

ECO 561 Final Exam On 10/06/2015
ECO 561 Final Exam QUESTION- 1) Suppose that in the clothing market, production costs have fallen, but the equilibrium priceand quantity purchased have both increased. Based on this information you can concludethat A. the supply of clothing has grown faster than the demand for clothing B. demand for clothing has grown faster than the supply of clothing C. the supply of and demand for clothing have grown by the same proportion D. there is no way to determine what has happened to supply and demand with thisinformation 2) Camille’s Creations and Julia’s Jewels both sell beads in a competitive market.If at the market price of $5, both are running out …..
HS Questions On 10/06/2015
What are some major sensitivities related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender substance-abusing clients that a practitioner must be aware of if they are going to effectively provide services to this special population? As you read Ch. 11 of Chemical Dependency: A Systems Approach, discuss some similarities and differences in substance abuse found among different ethnic special populations. What influence does ethnicity have on substance abuse? What are unique challenges when working with elderly adults who have addiction issues? Discuss some ways that human service workers could reach out to the elderly to help reduce isolation and decrease substance abuse. …..
Discussion posts On 10/06/2015
post 1: Federal Domain The Federal government manages millions of acres of forest land across the country, but there are increasing pressures on the agencies to permit varying levels of commercial access to the timber, other resources, and the water flows. Should the government have an absolute prohibition on commercial access or should there be a working compromise with companies? From your ethical perspective, should government have an absolute prohibition on commercial access or should there be a working compromise with companies? From the ethical perspective a particular group to which you currently belong, or previously belonged, should government have an absolute pro…..
Introduction to Business Process Management – Discussion On 10/06/2015
Business Process Examples This Discussion should help prepare you for the Assignment in Unit 2, in which you will select the process that you may be using for subsequent Assignments. As part of your preparation, also read the Assignment instructions. Take extra time this week to read what kinds of processes are being described by your classmates. Use the Discussion to focus on a good selection for your Assignment. For this Discussion topic, do the following: Describe two examples of a business process from your professional experience. For each process, follow this format and number your sections for each example as you clearly state the following: The objective. The scope (where the process begins and ends). …..
leadership development plan On 10/06/2015
The Assignment (3–5 pages): Complete a leadership development plan that includes the following: Section I Your current strengths and weaknesses as a leader Opportunities and threats to developing and further enhancing your leadership capacity as a change agent (e.g., social change) Justify your responses with specific examples. Section II Using the “Public Health Leadership Competency Framework,” developed by the National Public Health Leadership Network as a guide (refer to the article posted in the weekly Resources), describe a leadership plan to develop the following over the next 3–5 years. Include the following: …..
The Abolition of Death Penalty: A Necessity for the New Millennium On 10/06/2015
argumentative essay, 5 pages, 5 academic references (books and journal articles), MLA referencing style. The journal articles that were used can be provided if necessary. If your assignment will be checked for plagiarism, please order an original paper, this was made for another student. …..
Expanding Toward War On 10/06/2015
How did the United States acquire the land in the west? What was the spoils system and how was it controversial? How did the Indian Removal Act affect Native Americans in the Southeast? How did the issue of tariffs divide the country? Why did nullification threaten the nation? Why did people move west? How did Texas become a state? How did Manifest Destiny impact westward migration? What areas did the United States gain as a result of Manifest Destiny? What goals did the Lewis and Clark expedition have? What did it accomplish? What were the causes and effects of the War of 1812? What were the effects of the War of 1812? How did the inven…..
The Early Republic On 10/06/2015
What challenges did George Washington face as the first president of the United States? What economic problems did the new government face? What is the purpose of a tariff? Why did Alexander Hamilton favor imposing high tariffs and creating a national bank? What are the two major ways of interpreting the Constitution, and how do they differ? Why did Federalists pass the Alien and Sedition Acts? What were the main parties in the election of 1800, and how did their views differ? …..
The Constitution On 10/06/2015
Big Ideas How did the Great Compromise satisfy the concerns of the large and smaller states? How did the Constitutional Convention reach a compromise on the issue of slavery? What was the goal of the Federalists? Why did the Antifederalists oppose the Constitution? What goals are outlined in the Preamble to the Constitution? How is the national government organized? What are the three branches of government? What is each branch in charge of doing? What is the significance of the Bill of Rights? What rights are protected by the Bill of Rights? …..
Articles of Confederation Big Ideas What issues divided the Continental Congress as it developed a plan for the national government? On 10/06/2015
Big Ideas What issues divided the Continental Congress as it developed a plan for the national government? What were the structure and powers of the national government under the Articles of Confederation? What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? …..
History Essay IV(Reserved for Tutor Gabriel) On 09/06/2015
Choose a president from this unit (George Washington to John Quincy Adams) and write a two-page public address/speech that covers a minimum of two important issues (at least one covering a military issue and one on government evolution) that took place during that president’s term(s). Your speech will need to be in APA style. …..
Title: Is it possible to scare a psychopath off? On 28/05/2015
Paper type: Psychology Paper details; Write an essay answering the topic. Support your ideas with relevant scientific facts and arguments. List 2-3 sources in references. Style; MLA …..
Topic: Attractiveness On 28/05/2015
Type: Ethics Paper Details: Write an essay answering the question: What makes some people more attractive than others and why? Support your ideas with relevant arguments. Style: APA …..
Topic: Consumer Reviews On 28/05/2015
Type: Business Paper Details: Write an essay on the suggested topic. Explain the importance and benefits of customer reviews for business development. Support your ideas with relevant facts. More details within the additional materials attached. Style: APA …..
Topic: Can and should sociology be science? On 28/05/2015
Type: Essay (any type) Details: Write an essay answering the question. Support your ideas with citations and relevant arguments. Lsit 2-3 sources in the references. Style: MLA …..
Topic: Describe at least one character who played an important roll in the film and explain why the character was important in the film as a whole? On 28/05/2015
Type: English Details: Describe at least one character who played an important roll in the film and explain why the character was important in the film as a whole? Style: MLA …..
Type: fill in a Criticism Graphic Organizer On 28/05/2015
Details: t is just a diagram needed to be fill in. “Academic Criticism Graphic Organizer”. there are only 12grids need to be fill in. it is related to Macbeth i will upload other details later. Style: APA …..
Topic: the myth of sherlock holmes On 28/05/2015
Type: Term paper Details: A study on the character of sherlock holmes, from Doyle’s novels to the contemporary TV adaptation by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat Style; APA …..
Topic: Treatment of women from the Romantic to the Victorian era in British literature On 28/05/2015
Type: Essay Details: Write an essay on the suggested topic. Choose an aspect to speak about yourself. Support your ideas with citations and relevant examples. Style: APA …..
Topic: Theory of knowledge On 28/05/2015
Type: Essay Details: Guiding Question: To what extent was Galileo’s belief in the Copernican system justified at the time? Length: 1500 – 2000 words, not counting bibliography. Structure: Section A: Introductory paragraph; Section B: Summary of the Competing Theories (descriptive); Section C: Analysis; Section D: Conclusion; Section E: footnotes and bibliography. The Analysis section (C) should be longer than the previous two sections combined. It should consist largely of argument / counterargument / counter-counter argument. …..
Topic: Racism in California History On 28/05/2015
Type: History Details: Write an essay on the suggested topic. Choose one particular event to speak about. Support your ideas with relevant facts and examples. Style: APA …..
Topic: Study Objective On 28/05/2015
Type: History Details: Write a clear and detailed description of your study/research objectives, and give your reasons for wanting to pursue them. Be specific about your major field and your specialized interests within this field. Describe the kind of program you expect to undertake, and explain how your study plan fits in with your previous training and your future objectives. This statement is an essential part of your application and is required Style: APA …..
Topic: The act of voting out of a sense of duty is not a utility maximising act? (Stephen Parsons 2006: 295). Do you agree with Parsons? ? On 28/05/2015
Type: Political Science Details: This is for a unit on Rational Choice and Politics. It needs to be a first degree quality for a third year undergraduate degree student. Maximum of 3000 words and minimum of 20 sources. The subjects of ‘utility’ ‘collective action’ and the paradoxes of voting are essential to the argument Style: havard …..
Topic: Fall of Feudal Europe On 28/05/2015
Type: History Details: 10th grade level, websites used and need to be cited on last page Style: APA …..
Topic: PSY 355 Week 3 Individual Assignment Motivation and the Brain Paper On 23/05/2015
Select one of the following topics as the basis for this paper: ·Eating healthy ·Exercising ·Quitting smoking ·Quitting drinking ·Refraining from using drugs Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze the brain structures and functions associated with the motivation to engage in your selected behavior. Evaluate the influence of extrinsic and intrinsic factors, including heredity and the environment, on the motivation to engage in your selected behavior. Include at least three references from scholarly, peer-reviewed sources. Format your paper …..
Topic: Gender and races On 23/05/2015
Gender-based stereotypes are presented through the mass media. Locate an article, cartoon, or advertisement that conveys a gender message. Analyze the message by answering the following questions. Also, please attach your media or share the media’s url address. What is the message the media is trying to convey? What examples are used to convey this message? Does the message fit a gender-role stereotype? Why? Is the gender message consistent with your beliefs about gender? Assignment responses should be no less than 300 words and no more than about 500 words, Style: Havard …..
Topic: 1 question for each reading (total 3 questions) On 23/05/2015
should contain 1 (one) discussion question per assigned reading (TOTAL 3) for the class you are writing for. Questions should be: (a) critically engaged, (b) conducive to discussion, and not answerable by a simple yes/no, and (c) make specific reference to the reading that it pertains to. For instance, questions can be phrased (but not limited to) as follows: – Author(s) (year) states that “…….” (p. x), considering the arguments presented by author(s)(year) and author(s)(year), how can we reconcile/understand/explain this statement? -A central theme linking author(s)(year) and author(s)(year) is ……. . While author(s) does not explicitly speak to this topic, how doe…..
Topic: Seminar week 5 On 23/05/2015
In 200 words give your ethical opinion How should terrorism be defined? Are all acts of terrorism, in all forms, morally wrong? If not, under which circumstances is terrorism justified? ? What sorts of responses to terrorism are morally permissible? What ethical principles determine which responses are appropriate? Are there any peaceful solutions to terrorism? If so, what are they? …..
Topic: Experiential Assignment Sociology On 23/05/2015
Transphobia Assignment # 2: Cisgender: Write a letter to someone very important to you and “come out” to them that you are transgender.You will not mail this letter. Think about what feelings this elicited for you and why you chose the person you did. How does homophobia, transphobia, androsexism, and heterosexism play a role in your own reactions to the letter and to your imagined reactions to the letter from the person it was written to? After this thoughtful process, write an essay which uses a gender analysis of your own observations about this exercise. Please attach the letter in an appendix. Transgender: You may describe and analyze your own coming out or some trans political activity in which y…..
Topic; Assignment 1: Discussion On 23/05/2015
Assignment 1: Discussion During this second module, we focus upon the concept of culture and all its components. After you have read the reading assignment and lectures for this module, please respond to all parts of the discussion by Saturday, May 23, 2015: The sociologist, Robin Williams Jr., originally created a list of ten central values in American culturein 1970. How do you believe this list might be different if it were created today? Which values do you believe have changed since this list was originally made? Why? Please use examples to illustrate how these values have chan…..
Topic: Assignment 2: The Application Paper On 23/05/2015
Assignment 2: The Application Paper By Wednesday, May 27, 2015, using the textbook and Argosy Online Library references that you may select, write a paper using APA standards, of at least 750 words that focuses upon the following: Describe the meaning of multiculturalism in your own words. Is the United States of America a multicultural country? Why or why not? Why is multiculturalism a controversial issue for some people? How can the three sociological perspectives (social functionalism, social conflict, and symbolic interaction) be used to conceptually understand multiculturalism? Style:APA …..
Topic: Drug abuse has been defined as a significant social problem. This discussion provides an opportunity to examine this problem as… On 23/05/2015
Drug abuse has been defined as a significant social problem. This discussion provides an opportunity to examine this problem as well as the consequences of our reliance on punishment as a solution to drug abuse. After viewing the required video for this discussion, please answer each of the following questions: Discuss the differences between a culture’s folkways, mores, and taboos. Why are some deemed infractions of normative expectations termed criminal and others social? How does this definitional process lead us to incarcerate fellow citizens? What sociological factors contribute to the criminalization of individuals in society? Explain your answer. Does the seriousness of drug abu…..
Topic: Please description below On 23/05/2015
· · Preparing for your Final Project: For the Final Project you will write an eight- to ten-page paper in which you describe your idea of an effective learning environment for either infants or toddlers. Your paper should include details of the information presented over the duration of this course including the resources list above. Your paper must include each of the elements below: Create a mission statement that illustrates your basic philosophy of working with young children. For examples of current mission statements, go to “…..
Topic: help with social science On 23/05/2015
· · · I am doing a discussion board reply. I need to reply to two discussion post. Each reply must be at least 250 words. First discussion According to Gundry, “Under the persians there began the ‘intertestamental period–four hundred silent years’. Alexander the Great – He came from Greece-Macedonia and conquered the Middle East by inflicting&…..
Topic: Social issues and social institutions. On 23/05/2015
Paper Type: Sociology Details: a society needs a variety of social institutions in order to function adequately. However, it does appear that not all citizens have equal access to participation in them, and that one’s social class and ascribed characteristics may limit one’s ability to benefit from them. This disparity results in unequal access to all that the institutions have to offer” In your opinion, which of these institutions do not provide equal access? If you were asked to implement changes from a sociological perspective, what changes would you suggest? Support your answer with detailed examples. Your initial post should be at least 150 words in length. Support your claims with exa…..
Topic: Assignment #1 Education On 23/05/2015
Answer the following questions: What factors influence the quality of education that an individual receives? How is social class reproduced through the educational system? How is this continuing educational inequality impacting other social institutions? Your initial post should be at least 150 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. …..
Topic: Readers Journal on Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury On 23/05/2015
Type of paper: Critical thinking Discipline: English and Literature Format or citation style: MLA -Choose 20-23 quotes from the novel Farenheit 451 by George Orwell -For each quote, write a PARAGRAPH explaining one of the following things: -Talk about why the quote is significant -Explain how the quote reveals the theme of the novel -Make inferences or predictions about future events in the novel based on the quote -Analyze characters and/or the setting of the novel -Analyze literary devices for example metaphor, simile, and, symbolism -The quotes must be …..
Topic: Introduction to Law and the Legal System: Quiz#1 On 23/05/2015
Type: Law Paper Details: Quiz is found on: Once logged in, My Courses tab select Introduction to Law and the Legal System, continue to “Module 1”, scroll and click on “M1 – Quiz (By end of Week 2)”. This Quiz contains 10 Questions. You can obtain answers from e-book “Introduction to Law and the Legal System” pertaining to this class on: Style: Havard …..
Topic: Project Draft On 23/05/2015
Type: Management Paper Details: Submit a draft of the course project. This will include a compilation of assignments from Units 3–5. Use all elements of APA 6th edition formatting in preparing the assignment. Include one specific question or concern you have for the instructor in the comments area of the assignment tool Style: APA …..
Topic: The Pros and Cons on Smoking Ciargettes On 23/05/2015
Type of paper:Argumentative essay Discipline: English and Literature Format or citation style: MLA keen on MLA formatting and grammar, 3025 words, additional 1-2 scholarly sources 3000 words already written but needs to be blended to meet criteria. The structure of the argumentative essay is: Introduction paragraph Paragraph giving context or background to topic Body paragraph introducing the first point Pros to first point Cons for first point plus argumentation for why this is right. Body paragraph introducing the second point Pros to second point Cons for second point plus argumentation for why this is right. Bo…..
Topic: servant leadership style – the vital leadership model for project managers On 23/05/2015
Type of paper: Research proposal Discipline: Business and Management Format or citation style: harvard Please include proper structure, references. Paper can be argumentive against other leadership styles with examples of good reasons why servant leadership is better. …..
Topic: Arrays and Inheritance On 23/05/2015
Arrays and Inheritance Discipline: Computer science Format or citation style: APA Please keep format as Part 1 & Part 2 ** Part 1 Respond to the following question. What are the differences of multidimensional arrays and arrays of objects? How would you create an identical copy of a multidimensional array of objects? ** Part 2 Respond to the following question. Describe a project where inheritance would enable code reuse. Why would a child override one or more of the methods of the parent class? Is there a way to call the parent’s methods once overridden? …..
Sociology: Literature Review On 23/05/2015
Referencing Style: APA Instructions: Select four academic journal articles about the topic you selected in Unit 6, (“Identifying a Research Topic”). Write a review of the four journal articles. Your review must • provide a summary of current and relevant studies about your topic; and • Identify and critique any flaws in the literature. Use the following steps to arrive at a research topic that interests you. You will use this topic for your Literature Review assignment at the end of this unit and, if you wish, you may also use it for your Research Proposal and Research Project assignments. Coming up with a research topic can be a challenge, but following these steps can help make the …..
Topic: HSM 543 On 23/05/2015
It is the second Monday night in October and it is now 3 a.m. You cannot sleep. You are the CFO of Marysville General Hospital, a 300-bed community hospital in the Midwest. Your hospital board meets at noon on the second Tuesday of each month. You have a truly awful report to give the board, and you are dreading it more than anything else you’ve done in your 15-year career as a hospital senior manager. The target for days in accounts receivable (which the board and CEO set some years ago) is 55 days. When AR days are at 55, cash flow to the hospital is strong and you can meet all monthly obligations while putting some money away into investments for the hospital’s future. It has been several years now since the hospital has seen its AR at 55 days……
Topic: Stress and Coping On 23/05/2015
There are many different types of stress and various impacts that stressful situations can have on all areas of our health. Review these possible stress-provoking situations. Sally is a hardworking young professional who was applauded for her work performance and given more responsibility. After a few months there is a rapid decline in her productivity and she is seen withdrawing from work. Sally’s new manager constantly criticizes her for her lack of productivity, which makes her performance worse, and causes her more worry. Nancy is ready to leave the house for work and spills coffee on her clean work clothes. Then, she finds that her car will not start. When she tries to call for help, she realizes her cell phone is disconnected because she…..
Topic: Safety Questions On 23/05/2015
I need you to give me a brief paragraphes about each ot these questions: 1) Many people think of safety as the prevention of accidents only. Do you agree or disagree with this definition? Why is this definition a very narrow view of “safety?” How would you define safety? 2) To what cause(s) can improvements in workplace safety made to date in the United States be attributed? 3) Briefly discuss how the developments, changes, and improvements in safety movement have affected you. …..
Topic: All human behavior and interaction are open to study by social psychologists On 23/05/2015
Review the topic of social psychology, and discuss 1 of the ways that experts in this branch of psychology study human behavior, such as laboratory work, field study, quantitative. · · · &…..
Topic: Psychology Power Point Due Friday On 23/05/2015
Your psychology club has been asked to present to a local Parent-Teacher Association on the effects of sleep deprivation in teenagers. Create a 10 slide presentation with speaker notes that describes the following: The importance of healthy sleep hygiene in optimal functioning The effects of sleep deprivation on daily functioning Suggested possible approaches to ensure quality sleep Style; APA …..
Topic: Psychology Questions – Answer each is 60 words or more. On 23/05/2015
1. Ann stayed up all night to study before her test. Karen studied the same amount, but had a full night of quality sleep. Who do you think will perform better on the test? Why? 2. Do you think there are any circumstances in which Ann might do well? Some students will actually say they do better with cram sessions or pulling all nighters. Do you think this is possible under any circumstances or that it would not be possible,the person just would think this? 3. Describe the biological correlates of temperature regulation, thirst, and hunger. What are some factors that may affect these behaviors in an individual and across a species? 4. …..
Topic: Psychological Analysis. On 23/05/2015
Type: psychology Details: You should write your paper using Microsoft Word, double-spaced, and using a 12-point font. Provide a reference for any sources, such as your textbook, at the end of your paper. This paper should be about 2–3 pages in length. Please make sure that you are including the terms and concepts from your readings and course site to support your reflection: Consider the four components of interpersonal effectiveness, competence, emotional intelligence, mindfulness and ethics. Think about how you are doing in each of these components. How does your friend/partner think you are doing on each of these components? Where are you doing well? Where do you need some practice? Consider the res…..
Topic: Assignment 2: Reflection 1 On 23/05/2015
Interpersonal effectiveness is a broad topic that entails many aspects of how we view and interact with the world. In each module, you will take in a great amount of information from a variety of sources—your reading, media presentations, case studies, etc. In addition to graded reflection activities, you are encouraged to keep a journal through the course to reflect on how what you learn applies to your life as a person, professional, and student. This module, your graded reflection activity will focus on your own interpersonal effectiveness and propose ways that you can improve areas of weakness. For this assignment, you must submit a brief reflection paper to theDropbox. Before you start, choose a partner to interview, someone who is cl…..
Topic: Essay: Psyc: Cognitive: PLEASE, pay CLOSE attention to every detail, and read EVERYTHING below! On 23/05/2015
Categorization and scripts Explain categorization and the two main types of categories—natural categories and artificial categories. Describe how the prototype theory explains the formation of categories. Explain the difference between a script and a schema. Describe two scripts you use to perform two different everyday activities. Explain why you think these scripts help you perform the tasks. …..
Topic: Psychology 101 On 23/05/2015
Type: Psychology Do you know that gender bias occurs in the treatment of psychological disorders? Doctors are more likely to diagnose depression in women compared to men, even when both women and men have similar scores on standardized measures of depression or present with identical symptoms. Men are also more likely (more than three times) to be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder than women (Leedom, 2007). Read the following two case studies in which the gender is not identified. Case Study A Client X is a thirty-year-old parent of a new child (second child). X has a history of physical and sexual abuse as a child. X earned a General Educational Development (GED) at the age of twenty and has had intermittent employment, with th…..
Topic: Discussion: Psyc: Psyc and Gender: PLEASE, pay CLOSE attention to every detail, and read EVERYTHING below! On 23/05/2015
We would all agree that there is some level of stress in everyone’s life. The stress response may be quite similar for each of us; however, there are distinct differences in the way women and men experience and respond to stress. In your exploration of these concepts, respond to the following: Looking beyond the United States, do women live longer than men globally? Lifestyle differences may account for some differences in longevity and mortality rates. What are some of the differences in gender variations around the world? How do they impact gender, health, and longevity? What are some coping strategies? How does the social support system play a role in gender longevity? Are there gender differences in violent deaths? Validate your …..
Topic: Conducting research on the relationship On 23/05/2015
By Saturday, May 23, 2015 respond to the discussion question. Submit your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Use the same Discussion Area to comment on your classmates’ submissions, and continue the discussion until Wednesday, May 27, 2015. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources. Imagine you were conducting research on the relationship between academic performance (e.g., better grades) and different levels of loudness of music (interval scale) while studying. How would you design the study using a correlational design? How would you design the study using a quasi-experimental design? How would you design the study using an expe…..
Topic: Assignment 3: Areas of Specialization On 23/05/2015
Field: Psychology Background Psychology is a very broad subject that encompasses many areas of specialization. Psychologists have diverse interests and occupations. Many psychologists are involved in specific areas of research, other psychologists are primarily educators, and some psychologists specialize in the helping professions. Psychology offers many interesting career paths. In this assignment, you will explore eight areas of specialization in psychology …..
Topic: Assignment 3: Areas of Specialization On 23/05/2015
Field: Psychology Background Psychology is a very broad subject that encompasses many areas of specialization. Psychologists have diverse interests and occupations. Many psychologists are involved in specific areas of research, other psychologists are primarily educators, and some psychologists specialize in the helping professions. Psychology offers many interesting career paths. In this assignment, you will explore eight areas of specialization in psychology …..
Topic:Final Paper Assignment For Philosophy 5 (Food Ethics) On 23/05/2015
Paper Type: Ethics This assignment is intended to be both reflection essay and a ‘term paper’. You are to discuss a specific ethical question and debate that is specific to the cuisine you selected at the outset of the semester. In order to complete this assignment satisfactorily, you will be expected to address each of the following points cited below. 1.What is the ethical question and the respective opposing sides to the dilemma you plan to address? Why is the question/dilemma one that is not only relevant to the cuisine you chose but also one that has important ethical implications? 2.How would one of the classical ethical theories (Utilitarian, Kantian, Virtue) apply to the ethical dilemma? This means how w…..
Title: Mentally Ill in Prison. On 23/05/2015
Paper type: Psychology Paper details; There is an assignment psyc 610 entitled “Research Proposal Outline (Mentally Ill in Prison) ” I am interested in reviewing this assignment, but the final portions due in week eight. The actual assignment that is due is “Individual Programmatic Assessment: Research Proposal” I cannot find this assignment; can you help? Style; MLA …..
Topic: Ethical Behavior of Business Students at Rocky University On 23/05/2015
Type: Ethics Paper Details: During the global recession of 2008 and 2009, there were many accusations of unethical behavior by Wall Street executives, financial managers, and other corporate officers. At that time, an article appeared suggesting that part of the reason for such unethical business behavior may stem from the fact that cheating has become more prevalent among business students. The article reported that 86% of business students admitted to cheating at some time during their academic career as compared to 77% of non-business students. Cheating has been a concern of the dean of the College of Business at Rocky University for several years. Some faculty members in the college believe that cheating is more widespread at Rocky than at other universities, whi…..
Topic: HRM 500: Equipment replacement decisions and performance evaluation ? ? ? On 23/05/2015
HRM 500: Equipment replacement decisions and performance evaluation Bob Moody manages the Knoxville plant of George Manufacturing. He has been approached by a representative of Darda Engineering regarding the possible replacement of a large piece of manufacturing equipment that George uses in its process with a more efficient model. While the representative made some compelling arguments in favor of replacing the 3-year old equipment, Moody is hesitant. Moody is hoping to be promoted next year to manager of the larger Chicago plant, and he knows that the accrual-basis net operating income of the Knoxville plant will be evaluated closely as part of the promotion decision. The following information is available concerning the equipment replacement decision: …..
Topic: Small Business Marketing Plan On 23/05/2015
A Small-Business Marketing Plan A Small-Business Marketing Plan, During Week 1 you selected the type of small business – This will be Black Cap Wedding and Events, in near rural Stewartville, MN. In completing your Portfolio: Assure that it is in the form of a well-written, 8-12 page paper. Spend time to assure that the formatting complies with APA guidelines Thoroughly proofread and grammar-check your final product. Support your work by referencing the course textbook and at minimum two additional credible, scholarly references. Be sure to examine the Portfolio Project grading rubric to help guide your project writing and presentation. (If you want t…..
Topic: Women are generally more suited than men to manage modern corporations. On 23/05/2015
1-Women are generally more suited than men to manage modern corporations. 2-Students are to react to the statements above. Feel free to voice your own opinion based on your experience. You must also back up your reaction with at least three (3) references. References should be cited in both the text ( Jones, pg. 10) and at the end of your paper; Howard Jones, “ Frogs ate my Mother”, Journal of Obscure Facts. Vol 22, June 5, 1944 , pgs 8-15. Your paper should be thre…..
Topic: Project Management Phase 2 On 23/05/2015
· Project Management Life Cycle Library Research Assignment Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–400 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Research the project management process groups and the project life cycle structure in the PMBOK® Guide, then respond to the following: When starting a project, why would a project charter, as described in the PMBOK® GuideDevelop Project…..
Topic: Motivating Employees On 23/05/2015
Assignment 2: Motivating Employees Motivating employees is of paramount concern for leaders and managers. Organizations seeking to implement significant changes must take into account the effects of employee motivation and morale on the change process. Using the module readings and the University online library resources, research the importance of motivating employees. Based on your research, address the following: Explain why motivating employees is an elevated leader/manager concern in an increasingly outsourced and virtual business world. Use your textbook, appropriate trade journals, and academic peer-reviewed journal articles to support your argument. Write a 3–4-page paper in Word format. …..
Topic: Risk Management On 23/05/2015
Support your answers with examples and research. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic. They should be your own, original, and free from plagiarism. Follow the APA format for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources Discussion Question 1: Strategies to Minimize Risk Risk can be minimized, but not eliminated. Give an example of a risk management solution being taken too far, and explain how you would judge how far is too far. Give another example of a situation where you must accept a certain level of risk because…..
Topic: Tools and Processes On 23/05/2015
Based on the progressive case study (PCS) project, you will need to develop a list of tools and processes that you would use as the contractor of record for opening the new division office. Will you use subcontractors for different parts of the project? How will you maintain contact communication? How will you track progress, milestones, and setbacks? How will you monitor resources and budget? What reporting systems will you use? You are not expected to address all of these areas, though this is not an exhaustive list. Choose one or two components and describe the tools and processes you will use, then explain the rationale for using these tools. You may choose to …..
Topic: Group Behavior On 23/05/2015
Type: Management · · · · Review the most current results of …..
Topic: Appreciate the importance of maintaining a positive Employee Relations climate On 23/05/2015
Type: Human Resource management Paper details: First of all, the essay subject area is human resource. Do not plagiarise, never just copy and paste,the paper will be check by turnitin. The files will be upload later, please do read the instructions and follow the 5 points. 1.Core readings from lectures and seminars; 2.A deconstruction of your readings from the lecture and seminar series; 3.An short investigation into an organisation to demonstrate how this organisation may have applied some of the core concepts of HRM in the functioning of their company; 4.An evaluation of the positive and negative impacts of the HRM policies and practices; 5.What you have learnt from compiling the portfolio as an i…..
Topic: Conflict management On 23/05/2015
Type: Management Paper Details: You have recently been hired as the team lead for the Global Network Administrators Group to enhance operational functionality. Part of your team works out of the U.S. office; the other part of your team works out of India. The administrators in the U.S. office have been allowed to do their jobs without direct supervision. Some employees in the U.S. office do not adhere to the following company policies: network connectivity issues should be responded to in 4 hours; resolution of network connectivity issues should occur within 24 hours; and all issues should be documented, categorized, and put into a web-accessible FAQ for future troubleshooting purposes. The company network has been breached several times and runs…..
Topic: Project Draft On 23/05/2015
Type: Management Paper Details: Submit a draft of the course project. This will include a compilation of assignments from Units 3–5. Use all elements of APA 6th edition formatting in preparing the assignment. Include one specific question or concern you have for the instructor in the comments area of the assignment tool Style: APA …..
Topic: Business Law Paper On 23/05/2015
DUE: Sunday, May 24 by 11:59 PM. Topic: Use what you have learned about negotiable instrument law to research and discuss why the plaintiff in a real estate foreclosure lawsuit should be required to produce the promissory note that was issued when the real estate owner took out the mortgage on the property. Could the homeowner have a successful “produce the note” defense that could delay or stop the foreclosure action? What actions of the parties may have caused the promissory note to be missing? Remember to address the significance and process of negotiation of instruments. In addition to content, you will also be graded on grammar, spelling and punc…..
Topic: business law On 23/05/2015
Lana Hatch was driving her station wagon, which was designed and manufactured by Brighton Motor Company, down Canyon Drive in Beverly Hills, California. Hatch swerved to avoid a collision when a car driving toward her crossed the center line and was coming at her. In doing so, her hand knocked the horn cap off the steering wheel, which exposed three sharp prongs that had held the horn cap to the steering wheel. A few seconds later, when her car hit an embankment, Hatch’s face was impaled on the three sharp exposed prongs, causing her severe facial injuries. Hatch sued Brighton Motors. What theories of liability will Hatch argue and what damages could she claim? Brighton asserted that Hatch assumed the risk of driving the …..
Topic: Constitutional Issues in Criminal Procedures On 23/05/2015
Answer the following questions and support your answers with evidence. Be sure to cite the sources or cases you reference in APA format. Consider the following cases: Two police officers were patrolling in a high-crime neighborhood. They noticed a parked car with two people inside (a driver and a passenger). The officers saw a young woman leaning into the passenger’s window and handing the passenger an object, which they could not identify. At this point they approached the car and the woman began to walk away. One of the officers noticed the passenger making a shoving down motion, leading the officer to believe that the passenger might be armed. The officer drew his gun and shouted “let me see your hands.&…..
Topic: 1,400- to 2,100-word paper in which you assess criminal justice from a global perspective On 23/05/2015
Details: 1,400- to 2,100-word paper in which you assess criminal justice from a global perspective. In your paper be sure to analyze the following: Assess the impact of globalization on the U.S. criminal justice system. Compare and contrast international criminal justice systems (Civil Law, Common law, and Islamic Law and Socialist Law traditions). Discuss the impact that cyber crime and technology have had on worldwide justice systems. Differentiate the policing systems on a worldwide scale. Identify major crimes and criminal issues that have a global impact on justice systems and processes (e.g., Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Darfur, Congo, etc.). Style: MLA …..
Topic: Assignment 3:Ethics and Corporate Responsibility in the Workplace and the World On 23/05/2015
PharmaCARE (We CARE about YOUR health®) is one of the world’s most successful pharmaceutical companies, enjoying a reputation as a caring, ethical and well-run company that produces high-quality products that save millions of lives and enhance the quality of life for millions of others. The company offers free and discounted drugs to low-income consumers, has a foundation that sponsors healthcare educational programs and scholarships, and its CEO serves on the PhRMA board. PharmaCARE recently launched a new initiative, We CARE about YOUR world®, pledging its commitment to the environment through recycling, packaging changes and other green initiatives, despite the fact that the company’s lobbying efforts and PAC have successfully defeated environmental laws …..
Topic: Criminal Justice Trends Paper On 23/05/2015
HERE IS THE ASSIGNMENT MUST PASS PLAGIARISM CHECKER Select one of the components of the criminal justice system (law enforcement, courts, or corrections). Write a 1,500-word paper in which you evaluate past, present, and future trends of the criminal justice component you select. Discuss the budgetary and managerial impact that future trends will likely have not only on the component you select, but also on the other components of the criminal justice system. Be sure to include current research data (qualitative and quantitative) in your analysis. Include at least four peer reviewed references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines …..
Topic:Law On 23/05/2015
Format and Directions: 1. Write 4-6 pages (double-spaced, page numbers, 12 point font, 1 inch margins, Times New Roman) for the paper. Place a header at the top of each page with your NAME (see example above). Insert, header, “your name.” You will be deducted points without an appropriate header. Further, avoid writing in the first (I, we, us, our) and second (you, your) person. Essays and research papers should be written in third person. Do not use contractions. Spell out your words. For example, don’t –> do not. 2. You will be graded on substance, accuracy, organization, and clarity of argument. Make sure that you incorporate specific empirical evidence, where applicable, to highlight specific strengths a…..
Topic: ETHICS ASSIGNMENT On 23/05/2015
Due Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2015, by 11:45 AM. For this assignment, you will consider the consequences of acting ethically or unethically. After carefully reading the supplemental ethics materials (Jennings handout), discuss fully the ethical issues related to this case. (1) Categorize the ethical dilemma(s), (2) examine the matter from other perspectives, (3) describe any possible rationalizations, and finally, (4) use at least one of the ethics models to resolve the situation. Your answer must be typed (double-spaced, font size 12) and between 500 to 1000 words in length. …..
Topic: CJA/224 Week 3 Plea Bargaining Paper On 23/05/2015
· · Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of plea bargaining. Address the following in your paper: Define plea bargaining. Distinguish between charge bargaining and sentence bargaining. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of plea bargaining. Describe how plea bargaining reflects or thwarts the crime control and due process models of criminal justice. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines …..
Topic: Law Application On 23/05/2015
Scenario 1 Casey’s infant daughter was injured when the nightshirt she was wearing caught fire. Casey explains that she has heard about alternative dispute resolution and asks you which type would result in a quicker judgment in her favor because she does not particularly want to go to the time and expense of a court action. Identify three types of ADR and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each. Select the type of ADR best suited for Casey’s situation and support your answer. The manufacturer involved in the ADR insists on a confidentiality agreement. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the company requiring a confidentiality agreement in which the parties agre…..
Topic: Law 35 On 23/05/2015
The mosque built by Muslim residents in the town of Unitas was recently vandalized. Derogatory remarks were spray painted on the front of the mosque, such as “Go home, al-Qaeda.” The police have made it a priority to find the vandals and will most likely prosecute the issue as a hate crime. The Muslim community is understandably outraged, and the mayor would like to make a public statement to address their concerns and show support for their community. Discuss the following issues: What types of issues have Muslims in the United States faced, especially since September 11? Be sure to give specific examples. Research how communities and leaders have addressed anti-Muslim sentiment or actions to present some specific suggest…..
Topic: Criminal Defenses and Criminal Punishments On 23/05/2015
It is common knowledge that two controversial issues in the American legal system are the types of criminal defenses and the manner of criminal punishment. In this assignment, you will explore both in their various forms. Use the Internet to research the types of criminal defenses and the manner of criminal punishment. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Specify the key points involved in the court determining the lawfulness of the use of force. Next, evaluate the level of objectivity inherent in each point that you have specified. Determine the fundamental difference between the castle doctrine and stand your ground types of criminal defenses. Justify the validity of each, and provide one (1) example of ea…..
Topic: APPLIED BUSINESS LAW On 23/05/2015
Type; Law You are an employee at a nice paper mill and want to impress the boss by burning the midnight oil (but not too close to the wood pulp). For four consecutive weeks, you work forty-five, forty-two, thirty-nine, and thirty-one hours. If you are a nonexempt employee covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act, how many hours of overtime pay, if any, would you be entitled to? What would be the rate? These individual work assignments should each include the following: An in-depth submission that should be free of spelling and grammar errors. An essay containing a minimum of 200 words. You will be assessed on the rationale you use in addressing the questions/issue posted, and how well you ju…..
Topic: law On 23/05/2015
Can you answer the following questions for me in short responses use references to support the answer? I need the answers by Saturday Chapter Two: Review the case excerpt for Chanel, Inc. v. Banks, and answer the following questions: Do you think Banks acted ethically in this case? Why or why not? What special problems has the Internet created for trademark and copyright holders? Chapter Forty-Seven: Review the case excerpt for Willsmore v. Township of Oceola, Michigan, and answer the following questions: Should the government be entitled to half the find? Why or why not? If you were in this situation, what would you have done??? Why? How do the Saint Leo cor…..
Topic: Introduction to Law and the Legal System: Quiz#1 On 23/05/2015
Type: Law Paper Details: Quiz is found on: Once logged in, My Courses tab select Introduction to Law and the Legal System, continue to “Module 1”, scroll and click on “M1 – Quiz (By end of Week 2)”. This Quiz contains 10 Questions.You can obtain answers from e-book “Introduction to Law and the Legal System” pertaining to this class on: Style: Havard …..
Topic: Being Anachronistic On 23/05/2015
In an essay of a minimum of 500 words, take a first-person perspective of the bulleted descriptions below. Develop an argument in your own words, and justify academically the side of the argument you choose. The essay will need to reflect your understanding of the time to avoid being anachronistic, and your argument must come from the standpoint of a first generation immigrant and encompass each of the four elements below. Are you treated as equal by earlier generations?· Would you feel pressured to pledge your loyalty to a political machine?· Would you agree to engage in a strike?&midd…..
Topic: Historical Analysis Paper 8 On 23/05/2015
A single spaced, 1.5 pages, size 12 font. MLA format w/ citations The Final Years of the Western Empire and Rome’s Revival in the East The Theodosian Dynasty Down to the First Sack of Rome The Fall of the Western Empire (410-476) The Gothic King Athaulf’s Shifting Attitude toward Rome The Growth of Byzantine Empire in the East (408-491) A Christian Culture Women’s Power in Late Antiquity The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire …..
Topic: A corpus-based comparative study of metaphor in British and American political discourse. On 23/05/2015
This paper compares choice of metaphor in two political corpora: the Inaugural speeches of American Presidents and party political manifestos of two British political parties during 1974-1997. Initially metaphors are classified according to their source domain; they are then analysed from a cognitive semantic approach. The major findings are that metaphors from the domains of conflict, journeys and building are common to both corpora. However, the British corpus includes metaphors that draw on the source domain of plants whereas the American corpus contains metaphors that draw on source domains such as fire and light and the physical environment that do not occur in the British corpus. These variations suggest differences in…..
Topic: America?s Entry into World War II On 23/05/2015
Examine three (3) of the major events that led to the outbreak of World War II. Explain the manner in which each of the events you have chosen contributed to starting the War. Provide a rationale for your response of at least 125 words or more …..
Topic: Colonization Ages On 23/05/2015
The period of exploration and colonization was filled with violence between the Europeans and Natives. Was this violence inevitable, or could it have been avoided?’ I need this answered in 100+ words by 10pm Eastern Standard Time. That is more than enough time to answer this. Style: APA …..
Topic: history essay On 23/05/2015
Essay Compose a 500 – word point – of – view essay illustrating a chosen perspective of one of the figures listed below: · a citizen of Jamestown, VA during Bacon’s Rebellion, · a former indentured servant witnessing a slave auction, · a Spanish citizen during the Pueblo Revolt, · a Puritan sailor witness to the Arbella sermon, · a citizen of Salem, MA during the witch trials, or · a Chesapeake farmer reacting to the Navigation Acts. As this is a point – of – view …..
Topic: Christianity Presentation On 23/05/2015
Type: History Details: Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® comparing two of the following branches of Christianity: Catholic Orthodox Protestant Pentecostal Nontraditional/Alternative Include a brief history of the two traditions and a comparison of their approach to the Bible, art, specific symbols, and rituals as well as core beliefs. You might consider visiting in person or exploring one of these churches online to add your own experiences. Style: Havard …..
Topic: Visions of America Since 1945 class – Written Assignment – Studying Popular Culture On 23/05/2015
Pop Culture Introduction Popular culture is a term that was coined in the 19th century, and today by definition, its components have a very broad scope. When presented with the task of defining “pop culture”, it can be confusing, as it entails so many aspects of the cultural experience. Music, fashion, film, television, and the Internet are considered to be cultural industries, where cultural artifacts are produced and distributed to the general public. Yet, popular culture is so much more than forms of entertainment or commercial products. Popular culture also relates to activities and events that occur within mass culture as a whole, and in social groups. In this course, we will attempt to academically study these various elements …..
Topic: History of architecture in America. On 23/05/2015
Type; History Analyze the development of the skyscraper, beginning with the Chicago School in 1884, continuing with the construction of the Woolworth Building in New York in 1911-1913, and concluding with the Seagram Building in New York City in 1954-1958. Include in your analysis the use of materials and ideas of aesthetics. Your analysis should demonstrate a strong understanding of the material, synthesizing what you learned in the readings, and be written in your own words. In addition to commercial architecture, many architects of the 20th century were commissioned to design private homes. Explain the circumstances that led to the creation of Fallingwater in 1937 by Frank Lloyd Wright and the VannaVenturi House in 1961-1964 by Rob…..
AR300 Art History On 23/05/2015
Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Format Requirements” page located at the beginning of this learning guide for specific format requirements. Read the following article and analyze the expert’s opinion that art can be a generator of “identity” for a community, and examine what is meant by the statement that “public art ‘humanizes’ cities.” …..
Topic: FINAL EXAM (Chapters 29-31 and Themes) On 23/05/2015
Type: History Choose four questions. You may do any of the Recent History questions or Themes, as long as you do a total of four essays. Please write about one and a half pages for each topic you choose and include a picture with each essay. You can get extra points if you develop your main points especially well with extra writing or extra pictures. You may also do an extra essay. Recent History. Use specific information from the reading to develop your points. Pacific Relations. Explain how the US foreign policy has developed in relation to Asian nations in recent times. What key events have shaped the relat…..
Topic: History of Art On 23/05/2015
Type: History Details: Write a two-page (1.5 space 12 point type) paper using one work of art at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. You will need to visit the Museum on your own. Put the object title, artist and gallery # in your title. Your paper should include a clear analysis of the work of art and it’s distinctive features. Remember that a work of art is more than the scene that it represents. …..
Topic: World war and the Cold war On 23/05/2015
Paper type: History 1. Define the term COLD WAR. WHAT WERE THE YEARS OF THE COLD WAR? 2. From a governmental perspective, who were the 2 major advisories during the COLD WAR? 3. From an ideological perspective, what were the 2 world views at war during the COLD WAR? 4. What were the causes of WW II in Europe, 1920-1939? 5. What were the causes of WW II in the Pacific, 1920-1941? Style: Havard …..
Topic: Persuasive Essay Rough Draft On 23/05/2015
Criteria The rough draft of your essay should contain the following basic features: A well-defined issue that is controversial by nature A clear thesis statement that demonstrates the position you will be taking throughout the essay A treatment of at least three reputable sources, at least one drawn from the EBSCO database, and at least one of them supporting your claim A counter argument with at least one credible source defending the opposing viewpoint A refutation to or compromise with the counter argument If you have any difficulty finding sources in EBSCO, please contact the Grantham librarian at …..
Topic: opic of the Essay: Aftermath of the economies of Japan and Germany after world war 2 On 23/05/2015
I need you to write a TEN page essay about the topic above. The first page is intro, other nine pages are all text work. Dont add photos and DONT PLAGARISE because I always check before I pay fully. add one more page at the end having in them the URL of the sites that you used to get your information …..
Topic:English 101 On 23/05/2015
Type; Essay Details: ******How does Stevenson complicate the idea of the human monster as compared to Frankenstein? The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and other tales of terror. Robert Louis Stevenson Format: APA …..
Topic: Thank you! My topic how to predict and understand the behavior of individual who have mental/substance abuse On 23/05/2015
Assignment 3: Example Paper As your first formal composition for this class, you will write an example paper on one of the topics you proposed in the M1: Assignment 1 Discussion earlier this module. Before beginning this essay, review the feedback and comments you received from your peers and from your instructor regarding the viability of the topics you proposed. Select the one topic that seems most appropriate for an argumentative research essay, and use that topic to write this example paper. Example papers depend heavily on details and specific information, so make use of some brainstorming and prewriting techniques that were discussed in the lecture notes for this module. You will begin this paper with an introduction paragraph that explains the…..
Topic: com 156 week 7 On 23/05/2015
Resources: Center for Writing Excellence: WritePoint® Plagiarism Checker Sample Paper (APA and Writing & Style Guidelines) Grammar and Writing Guides: APA Reference and Citation Examples Create the body paragraphs of your research paper by converting your outline into the body of your paper. The rough draft must be a minimum of 800 words and must be complete enough for your facilitator to provide constructive feedback. Use appropriate sentence variety, sentence clarity, and parallel structure in your writing. Add the introduction and conclusion paragraphs you wrote in Week Six and modi…..
Topic: Writing a discussion post (200 words) On 23/05/2015
background for Surowiecki reading: Looking at the questions on page 451 of the article, think about the Questions for Critical Reading #1. What are some of the elements of successful small group experiences? Then think about why Surowiecki chose the Columbia experience to illustrate how small groups can go wrong. What were some of his examples? Tell us one thing you found interesting, surprising, etc about your reading of the article. What did you learn about small group experiences? …..
Topic: Website Analysis On 23/05/2015
Details: In Research Assignment you will learn how to determine if a website’s information is reliable. Read the following article from Lee University, “How Can I Tell if a Website Is Reliable”?Then, find 5 websites that you believe are credible based upon the information in this article. Under the websites name and URL, you will give me a brief summary of the website and the information contained within the site. For Example: The Guardian UK The Guardian is a print and web based newspaper that prints news articles from around the globe. This newspaper covers business, economy, culture, sports, travel, lifestyle, environment, and video links. …..
3. Topic: Rape of the Sabine Women On 23/05/2015
Type: English art Details: Order Description The artwork is Rape of the Sabine Women by Picasso Kindly find attached the directions. Please write a clear and debatable thesis statement. Please follow directions carefully. Write a clear paper as indicate in the rubric and be sure to follow all guidelines to the letter. Style: MLA …..
Topic: Philosophy of Art. Is beauty perfection On 23/05/2015
Type: Art Paper Details: Is beauty (in art) perfection? What is perfection? Like Pythagoras says beauty is found in order? What about when people say “it’s beautiful but i dont like it” (hume’s theory about taste) . I want to see an interesting take, a clever way of poking this question that has been widely discussed, I dont want a cliche. As for the summary (abstract is what i want), thesis in the first sentence, then one sentence to summarize each paragraph. Style: APA …..
Topic: Emily Dickinson and Langston Hughes On 23/05/2015
Type: English Poetry Paper Details: In your course reader, read the poems of Emily Dickinson and Langston Hughes and write a 2 page response for each poet. What are your general impressions of each poet’s work, as represented in the reader? What do you like or dislike about each poet? Your responses are open ended. The responses must be typed. They will be turned in a later date when the entire assignment is completed. Emily Dickinson 1. After great pain, a formal feeling comes 2. Much Madness is divinest Sense 3. I felt a Funeral, in my Brain 4. We grow accustomed to the Dark 5. I died for Beauty ——But was scarce 6. Some keep the Sabbath going to C…..
Topic: economics money and banking On 23/05/2015
monetarists disapprove of how the federal reserve conducts monetary policy. what is it about the feds policy process that bothers them? Discuss their criticism some economists contend that the philips curve no longer exists in the US. Others argue that it has simply shifted extensively to the left.who is correct? explain ur answer 3.the US economy is currently in a very sluggish “expansion” phase of the business cycle.if you were advising the president of the US and the chairman of the fed reserve , what monetary policy , fiscal policy, or other alternative actions would u advise them to take to stimulate the expansion explain …..
Assignment 2: The Concerns of Economics On 23/05/2015
Your supervisor has been asked many questions about how the economy works and why the idea of limited resources is such a major concern in today’s economy. As a result, she has asked you to prepare a report on the topics. Specifically, your supervisor has asked you about to prepare: Tasks: A circular flow diagram that includes the government sector. For this part of your paper, you should include a description of the roles that each participant plays in the economy and how the different sectors interact in the markets. An illustration of the Production Possibilities model, including a summary of what the model is illustrating and the economic implications for the economy. An explanation of why o…..
Topic: Can someone complete by deadline On 23/05/2015
Scenario Summary You are an e-commerce expert and you have some friends who own their own local bookstore. The husband and wife team have owned this company for 20 years and have built an amazing business that is very successful to the local community and is known to have an amazing collection of rare and exotic books. However, due to the World Wide Web, bookstores have had challenges, as Amazon and Barnes and Noble and other online companies have hurt their business. You have been hired by the owners to help craft an e-marketing strategy to improve their local sales and introduce the ability to sell their books online. You will be asked to write a 5 page (2,500 words minimum) business report outlining your s…..
Topic: Economics On 23/05/2015
Details: Research interest rates and consumer debt using both your personal/professional experience and independent research, respond to the following: How has consumer debt changed over the past few generations? What role do interest rates play in consumer debt? What are the typical interest rates applied to credit cards, mortgages, and other debt? Many of today’s interest rates are variable rather than fixed. What difference does this make to pension plans, housing loans, and other personal finances? Style: APA …..
Topic: Microeconomics On 23/05/2015
Please choose a current Economic news such as “Coffee prices on the rise” or “High Corn Prices Ripple Through the Economy” from the media (CNN, MSN, The Wall Street Journals, local news, or from the sources listed in the syllabus.) that pertains to our weekly course learning. Post the title and the link to the article. Discuss in a minimum of 200 -250 words why you feel this topic pertains to the course learning (Microeconomics) and how it impacts the market/economy. Additionally, you have to also mention the weaknesses and strengths of the article you’ve chosen. These are the standard practice when you discuss a topic. Style: Havard …..
Topic: Week 4 – Assignment On 23/05/2015
Case 9-1: Aero Marine Logistics Read Case 9-1 and submit a paper on your analysis of this case. The paper must be at least four pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages), formatted according to APA style and include at least four scholarly sources (in addition to the text). Describe the importation and exportation considerations for Mr. Singh in accepting business from Mr. Mann, the Chairman of Freshfoods. Be sure to identify all the participants from suppliers’ suppliers to customers’ customers. Explain Mr. Singh’s infrastructure requirements in India for order fulfillment and future orders that may be presented to the company. Provide a recommendation of the optimum agreement that you perceive will share the costs, risks…..
Topic: Ethics in Economics On 23/05/2015
The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand the role of corporations in the modern world, and evaluating ethical aspects of corporate market domination. Prepare and post a response to the following prompts: What is a corporation? What are the defining characteristics of a public corporation? What is a conglomerate? What is the difference between a corporation and a conglomerate? Describe how media conglomerates are organized in the United States. Use an example of one media conglomerate and examine is various parts. How might these parts work together for mutual advantage? Consider the ethics of media conglomerates. What are the advantages and drawbacks of allowing large conglomerates to control the mass media? What are alternative …..
Topic: Employment Law On 23/05/2015
Type: Economics Details: Research and analyze a case involving ethical issues surrounding corporate governance from a global position. A common example may be where a corporate board of directors breached one or more duties, such as the duty of loyalty to its shareholders, although there are many other areas where business ethics are at the center of a case that originated at the governance level of an organization. Style: MLA …..
Topic: ECON616 phase 4 DB SWOT Analysis On 23/05/2015
Deliverable Length: Primary Task: 600–800 words; Secondary Task: 150–200 words Primary Task Response: Respond to the following scenario with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use research to reinforce your ideas. Now is the time to make a decision about relocating the manufacturing operation to the United States is fast-approaching. AutoEdge, like most companies, uses a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat (SWOT) analysis to facilitate its decision making. You have just completed your first monthly activity report for the board when Lester calls. “Hi,” you say. “I just finished my monthly report for the board. I’ll e-mail it to you wh…..
Topic: week 3 Discussion Questions On 23/05/2015
75 words minimum each question with reference 1. When using nonprice barriers, you might encounter ethically challenging situations. How can an organization maintain market power and align with current values, legal requirements, and ethical standards? Locate a recent news, journal, popular press, reputable blog, or scholarly article pertaining to this topic and describe the ethical dilemma the organization faces. Reflect on how ethics and current values affect current business decisions. 2. How many major wireless phone handset manufacturers are there? What is the market structure? What pricing strategies do wireless phone handset manufacturers use? How do wireless phone maker…..
Topic: Economic Analysis. On 23/05/2015
Type; Economics General instructions: • All the following questions should be answer based on (Apple) COMPANY. • The number of the words in the 3 parts should be 3000 words, the lecturer is strict in the words amount any + in the words ­10% in the mark . • Please use appropriate charts and figures to support and clarify the answer. • Please avoid sweeping generalisations that are not justified or supported and avoid inappropriate citation • Please note that I have to read all the reference that you’ll use in this review because I have to discuss with my supervisor, so please make a good use of them and put just the reference that you used. NOTE: give each section enough attention. get th…..
Topic: BUS 508 Week 9 Assignment 3: Promotional and Advertising On 23/05/2015
Select one (1) of the following categories of products to research: sports apparel, automobiles, home furnishings, or televisions. Use the Internet to research at least two (2) companies within the selected product category. Take note of the leading companies in this product group, as well as the types of marketing, pricing, and consumer-oriented promotional strategies that these leading companies within the product group use. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Compare and contrast the promotional strategies used by two (2) different companies for a similar product within the category that you selected. Recommend two (2) ways in which a company within the selected product group could use marketing information to differentiate itsel…..
Topic: Assignment 2: Exploring Interests to Identify Research Problems On 23/05/2015
The most important task in preparing to write a dissertation is identifying a current problem that is of interest to you. Conducting research can be a daunting task; however, conducting research on a topic or area that is of interest to the researcher can be motivating and make the research process easier. In this assignment, you will conduct research to identify a current problem in your dissertation topic or area of interest. Using the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources, address the following: Research at least five articles in appropriate trade journals or academic peer-reviewed journals to find a current problem in your dissertation topic or area of interest. Describe the problem. Discuss why you are i…..
Topic: Lending Institutions, Health Care, and Human Capital On 23/05/2015
Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 2: Lending Institutions, Health Care, and Human Capital Due Week 9 and worth 200 points Use the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of lending institutions, health care, and human capital, as well as the material covered by the Webtext and lectures in Weeks 6 through 9. Write a three to four (3-4) page research paper in which you: Explore whether or not funding from international lending institutions like the World Bank and the IMF are helping or hinde…..
Topic: Marketing Plan On 23/05/2015
For my marketing plan I will use an existing company and aircraft, the company is Air Tractor, a company dedicated to manufacture agricultural and fire fighting airplanes. The marketing plan will consist in three innovations that will be included in all the models the company offers. These innovations will put their airplanes in the top of the market betting all possible competitors, these are: · Carbon Activated Filters is for the air that comes from the outside is not contaminated from the pesticides that are in the tank or after spraying on a field. · Improve the Air Conditioner System for warm areas. · Doors that close with pressure to reduce n…..
Topic: Case Study Analysis – Entrepreneurship On 23/05/2015
Case study analysis of the entrepreneur Claus Speckles, Details of the paper and case are attached. A minimum of 10 academic journal articles and 10 other relevant sources must be cited. Style: APA …..
Topic: Executive Summary of an AdWords Campaign Report On 23/05/2015
Type: Business Summary Details: Please write an Executive Summary of the attached Report! This stand-alone document provides a snapshot and highlights four key areas: • Campaign Overview – a basic review of the project by introducing the campaign goals and operational details. • Key Results – the overall campaign performance as well as each ad group’s performance. You should reference each group as well as the overall campaign. This section should provide a brief overview of key metrics. • Conclusion – a clear synthesis of the report content and key items. This is your chance to tie together the entire package and focus the client’s attention on important project aspects. • Future Online Marketing Recommendations…..
Not this time dear On 14/01/2015 16:32:33
There was a middle aged couple who had two stunningly beautiful blonde teenaged daughters. They decided to try one last time for the son they always wanted. After months of trying, the wife became pregnant and sure enough, nine months later, delivered a healthy baby boy. The joyful father rushed to the nursery to see his new son. He took one look and was horrified to see the ugliest child he has ever seen. He went to his wife and said that there was no way that he could be the father of that child. “Look at the two beautiful daughters I fathered.” Then he gave her a stern look and asked, “Have you been fooling around on me?” The wife just smiled sweetly an…..
Don?t panic On 14/01/2015 16:25:46
Don’t panic A search and rescue team had been assembled and sent on a mission to find an airline that had crashed on top of a mountain. It was their duty to rescue any survivors. After finally reaching the top of the mountain, they came upon the crash site.At the site, one lone survivor sat with his back against a tree, chewing on a bone. As he tossed the bone onto a pile of other bones, he noticed the rescue team. “Thank God”, he cried in relief. “I am saved!”The rescue team did not move, as they were in shock, seeing the pile of human bones besides the lone survivor. Obviously he had eaten all his comrades.The survivor saw the horror in their faces and hung his own head in shame. “You cant judge me for this,” he insisted. “Is it so …..
A Farmer, a daughter and the money lender On 28/01/2014 07:45:11
Many years ago in a small Indian village, A farmer had the misfortune Of owing a large sum of money to a village moneylender. The Moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the farmer’s beautiful Daughter. So he proposed a bargain. He said he would forgo the farmer’s debt if he could marry his Daughter. Both the farmer and his daughter were horrified by the Proposal. So the cunning money-lender suggested that they let Providence decide the matter. He told them that he would put a black Pebble and a white pebble into an empty money bag. Then the girl would Have to pick one pebble from the bag. 1) If she picked the black pebble, she would become his wife and her father’s debt would be forgiven. 2) If she picked the white pebble she need …..
A Farmer, a daughter and the money lender On 28/01/2014 07:40:18
Married, Single, Dead – How a change of Facebook status can change lives On 19/09/2013 02:42:49
So, how often do you change your Facebook or twitter status? I bet you didn’t know that this has caused the death of a number of people. In Britain, there are three cases of deaths caused by spouses after learning that a partner had changed her status from married to single. This means that one has to be very careful what you reveal to the world via social media. This may have dire consequences. This calls for one to ask, why do we always find ourselves updating our private lives for all to see? Facebook was meant to help people maintain contact, and reach out; clearly we don’t need to tell everyone what is going on in our lives. But this may be just me……
Teenage sex education brings about a subject of great discussion in many schools in the world given the fact that sex and its health associated concerns has become common in the lives of scores of teenagers. Teenagers’ involvement in sexual behavior has contributed to the raise of sexually related infections, emotional and psychosomatic damages, and unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, schools across the globe have been charged with executing programs that will educate the teenagers about the risks of engaging in sexual activities. Some countries like the United States schools use one of the two commonly known approaches in an attempt to discourage teenage sex. The need for effective teaching approaches such as abstinence and comprehensive sex education is required. Abstinence t…..
Gun Control On 06/09/2013 06:20:30
Is it reasonable for the NRA to have a problem with legal gun owners being penalized for selling guns to unauthorized people? Does the law provide for having gun owners who are selling their guns that would release them of an liability if a potential buyer conducts the proper background checks?…..
Domestic Violence – the menace that refuses to die On 30/08/2013 02:38:37
Domestic violence involves abuse of one partner by another especially if they are involved in a relationship such as dating, marriage, cohabitation, or even within a family. This abuse can take forms such as physical assault, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, domineering, and even economic deprivation. It, however, is not limited to physical violence alone as other acts such as kidnapping, harassment, threats and unlawful imprisonment fall under it. Among factors that contribute to it are mental illness, alcohol abuse and cultural influences. Though women are said to be the major victims of domestic violence and abuse, it could happen to anyone. Domestic violence is used with a purpose. It is done against another with an aim to gain and maintain control over them 
The Most Challenging Part of Practicum
I think the most challenging aspect of practicum and the mastering and understanding of the advanced assessment skills for nurse practitioners is the difficulty of conducting an effective diagnosis. The diagnosis process in the nurse practice requires for strong nursing knowledge and appropriate judgment (O'Connell, Gardner & Coyer, 2014). Most nurse practitioners are unable to come up with the right diagnosis of the patients due to the inability to observe the progress of the patients keenly. For example, the nurse practitioners would face the challenge of understanding the medical history of the patients, which affects their assessment process of the patients.
The mastering of the diagnosis is difficult due to the demand to understand and analyze the various clinical aspects including the data related to the patients, preceptor efforts and the perceptions of the patients. It is essential for the nurse practitioner to collect adequate data from the patients, and relied on both physical examination and critical thinking skills to make their diagnosis. Advanced nurse practitioners are expected to perform quality diagnosis and assessment which will assist the doctors in treating and recommendations of medications.
Moreover, I think diagnosis also depends on the nurse practitioners to make the right decisions about the various probable medical conditions. The assessment of decision-making skills in various scenarios of practice and complex situations is crucial in nursing practice. Depending on the patient’s condition and illness, the nurse practitioners are bound to face challenging and problems in assessing the characteristics of patient data and interpret it clinically (O'Connell et al., 2014). Based on the different elements of practicum, I believe the most challenging part is the diagnostic practice and process. It is because it requires additional personal and medical judgment apart from applying the clinical knowledge directly. Thus, the nurse practitioners face the challenge of coming up with a reliable diagnosis of the potential patient’s conditions.
I think the nurse practitioners can use the various strategies and resources which useful in dealing with the challenging of diagnosis. It is appropriate to learn quality strategies and use resources to improve diagnostic assessment of the patients in the practice. The strategies of improving the diagnostic models and skills include expanding nurse practitioners’ knowledge about the assessment process. One of the strategies is to use the health promotion knowledge and quality management models. The health promotion knowledge provides quality skills for the nurses to overcome the challenge of nursing diagnosis programs.
 I also think that offering mentorship and experience about the clinical practice is critical.  It is one of the ways used to increasing the nursing professional competence and growing nursing practical skills. I believe it would assist in helping nurses make clinical judgments, learn the necessary interpersonal and technical essay writing services skills, become socialized into the medical field, appreciate its ethics and values, and relate theory to practice (Keough, Arciero & Connolly, 2015). Under these strategies, I believe the nurse practitioners will be able to reduce the challenge of patients’ diagnosis while providing diagnosis and assessment of the patient’s condition. Since it requires for advanced assessment skills which are critical in improving the nursing practice and proficiency on diagnostic practices.
The evidence-based resources and research studies will be appropriate to provide adequate information to improve the diagnosis of the nurse practitioner.  The evidence-based resources give numerous information about past experiments and outcomes, and the nurses handled them (Paul, 2014). Thus, the nurse practitioner should rely on the evidence-based research studies to address the challenges of diagnosis. Other resources include the use of the electronic health records.  The electronic health records would give the nurse practice the ability to understand the information and potential interventions relating to diagnosis. It is because it is important for the nurse practitioners to provide accurate diagnoses which offer accountability among the nursing practitioners.

Keough, L., Arciero, S., & Connolly, M. (2015). Informing innovative models of nurse practitioner education: A formative qualitative study. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 5(5), 88.
O'Connell, J., Gardner, G., & Coyer, F. (2014). Beyond competencies: using a capability framework in developing practice standards for advanced practice nursing. Journal of advanced nursing, 70(12), 2728-2735.
Paul, S. A. (2014). Assessment of critical thinking: a Delphi study. Nurse Education Today, 34(11), 1357-1360.


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